Could it be true? Wallace is gone replaced by a FOXy blonde chick.
Fineswine talking about the latest exploding underwear and other terrorist topics.
Says they probably wouldn’t have been detected by the TSA. States most of the public doesn’t mind being patted down.
She was in Dubai recently, enjoyed the multiple “heavy patdowns”.
She wants to kill this bombmaker and his associates. She stated that she knows the Taliban is just biding their time for us to leave so they can come back.
She stated they have a safe harbor in Pakistan.
Now she is asked about our current mission of training the Afghans to defend the nation when we leave. She answers about by talking about all the girls in schools.
Now being asked about Ovomit’s flip-flop on the destruction of marriage.
Asked about no budget, states she is an “appropriator” that funding is going out, but there is actually no budget per se. (UnConstitutional as far as I know)