Yes, Congressional Republicans need to explain exactly why they voted against the Stimulus and Health Care bills. There are plenty of examples of the results that were predictable, and the legislation itself.
It’s interesting about Obama and the press. I watched the panel on Fox News Sunday and it was all about the Washinton Post’s infamous screed about how Romney committed a hate crime in high school.
Apparently the Post made this a magazine length front page story according to Brit Hume who was disgusted by the Post. He makes sense but he’s not fiery. Way too much time given to Juan Williams as always (or does it just seem that way because he’s so hard to listen to).
The Post seems to be footnoting this non-story about Obama being okay with gay marriage by implying that Romney is a mean and raging homophobe.
If you believe the story, (and I don’t) he got a little cadre of equally mean boys to hold a boy who was perceived to be gay and had long blond curls down while torture was inflicted on the boy ... the torture consisting of using scissor on him.
No, he wasn’t stabbed or otherwise mutilated but he lost his curls.
What a silly story and the family of the boy featured is furious that their family member is being used as a political ... why do they always say football? Wouldn’t some other ball work. Anyway the family made one dignified statement and said no further comments would be forthcoming.
anyway, nobody on the panel chose to wonder about the total lack of interest by the press in anything Obama has ever done from birth to the presidency. Not One Person.
Did Obama get a pass because he is black? No. Herman Cain is black. He didn’t get a pass.
I guess it has to be the perfect combination : black & liberal/socialist.