BTW, it is not called ‘gay marriage’ anymore, the new name is ‘marriage equality’ because that name polls much better.
The term ‘State sanctioned perversion’ is even less PC.
Perverts are perverts....PC can kiss my ass!~
Yes I noticed that. Taking that literally say I hit my head and decide I want FOUR wives as the HOLY QURAN says I'm entitled (The Prophet can have as many as he wants, lucky bastard) as long as I give them each 10 of my $40 treasure. How could they possibly argue against my "marriage equality" as a Mohammedian or Orthodox Mormon? What if I fall in love with a comely lady Chimp? I'm told their DNA is 98% the same as ours and cross breeding could be possible. What about my half-Chimp son? Can he choose which species he wants to marry? Can he be President if his mother's not a citizen? What's 35 in Chimp years? Sorry, I digress.