You think I'm talking about the same kind of Tea Party rallies we've had before? Guess again. Time to step it up until we find the notch that causes them to step back.
Soap Box - ineffective
Ballot Box - FUBAR
Tool Box - open it up and grab a pry bar and a hammer
Cartridge Box - closed until every last civil effort has been exhausted
Anytime someone starts with “you think” I know to stop reading.
Soap Box - ineffective
Ballot Box - FUBAR
Tool Box - open it up and grab a pry bar and a hammer
Cartridge Box - closed until every last civil effort has been exhausted
Oh stop it with that nonsense, you sound utterly ridiculous. You aren't going to do squat down in Tampa - not with a tool box, cartridge box or any other "notch" that you're alluding to.