Yes, I am saying he will do whatever it takes to take care of his voters. His EPA is killing coal fired electricity generation, making sure that new nuclear generation will be a fantasy, oil from shale, oil from Canada, oil in ANWR, oil from the Gulf, etc. won’t be available. What trouble is it to create a spill domestically and have another ‘gulf emergency’? All he needs is the excuse the MSM will parrot and reinforce.
The fewer sources he has to clamp down on means his power is more effective with the ones he does have to take over, e.g., SPR. In other words, yes, he would do it.
This man will do anything to get re-elected.
He does not have a capability to do so and it would ensure his defeat in the election.
It will not and could not happen. You think enough troups would turn traitor to carry out such an order that creates chaos for their families?