Well, politicians are nothing if not pragmatists. She's in the ABO camp, and that's fine, she's got every right to endorse Mittens. I imagine she's been waiting to see what Newt did before making any such move.
The only way she could avoid endorsing Mittens is if she were going to mount a serious third party run, which ain't happening this year at least.
So I'll write her in. I live in upstate NY, and the sheer weight of the Democrat majority in NYC means that my state will go hard for Obummer regardless of my vote. So I might as well write her in and feel that I've expressed my belief, which is that she is the best we have available for America.
People in California or other hard-Democrat states should consider voting their consciences, IMO. Nothing to lose, and maybe somebody will notice.
We can't do write ins here but I might go third party...all depends on what the circumstances are when the time comes.
Grrrr, I still can't believe the mess we're in, damn it all!