>>fewer people will believe in what you believe in
I simply believe that the relationship between myself and the one who created me is beyond the purvue of Eunuch parrot tyrants who lift themselves up in the pulpit and assume dominion over the faith of others whilst dressed in mysterious plumage left over from the Roman/Babylonian/Eqyptian/Empire’s syncretic theocro-tyrannies.
Don’t you agree?
Thomas Jefferson did.
You wrote:
“Dont you agree?”
I can’t agree with a view that is so heavily tinged with paranoid delusions, no.
“Thomas Jefferson did.”
Jefferson also cut stories of miracles and the supernatural out of his Bible - what he called “of vulgar ignorance, of things impossible, or superstitions, fanaticisms, and fabrications.” He was brilliant in the secular sense, but a twit when it came to Christianity.