That is also why H&R Block and all the other tax services make a buttload every year fleecing these idiots to prepare a simple 1040 that nets them their EITC checks - free money.
We taxpayers get fleeced, and in-turn, they get fleeced by H&R et al on the RALs (refund anticipation loans)... they are too effing stupid to read how to fill out a simple 1040EZ and too stupid to realize the interest they are paying for their RALs.
Oh yes, it’s astounding some days. Too stupid to fill out an EZ or a short form, unable to make change for a dollar, etc. There must be an awful lot of free things taken from productive people to pass around.
It’s a good exercise to total your taxes, Fed, Social Security (don’t forget the employer’s half), local, real estate, sales tax, gas tax, fees on every utility bill, fees on cell phones, fees on medical, etc. If you die with any left afterwards, they want that too. How much of your productivity is confiscated by the state in the end?