I've already voted the way you think is smart. I"ve been voting that way for quite awhile now, and things only keep getting worse. Read and ponder DoughtyOne's post #38.
You are very much confused and mistaken if you think this is about wanting to be perceived as "more conservative than thou."
Romney is ON RECORD as promoting and furthering:
-- State-run health care
-- Cap-and-trade global warming eco tyranny
-- Taxpayer subsidized abortion on demand, cheap
-- Appointment of activist liberal judges
-- Forcing people to accept open homosexuality in the military, their kids' schools, their workplaces, and virtually every corner of their lives
This isn't about "Hey, I'm more conservative than you and that's why I reject Romney." This is about realizing that Romney IS THE ANTITHESIS OF CONSERVATIVE and that a conservative who votes FOR him is voting to destroy the Republican party as a vehicle for conservatism, and is voting against his own and America's interest.