If I recall correctly (and I do) I seduced one damsel who ordered an extra large (heh heh) and the husband who SOMEhow found out, called the shop with threats to shoot me. The shopkeeper was positively in vicarious glee, slugging me on the shoulder and telling me that he had a nice big-ole revolver that he'd protect me with, should the hubby make good on his threats. Somehow, that act earned me his respect. He continued to call everyone else Yakalb, but not me. :^/
It’s amazing what a pizza joint will teach ya!
Back to the main topic of the thread...
What do they sing on Air Force One during long flights? "101 Dalmations on the Wall"
Take one down, pass it around...
Somehow, I envisioned you as working for a Dr. Farnsworth.
in sha Ado--i.