“Its the purple states where it will be decided. Virginia and North Carolina are turning purple.”
Yes - the assholes from MA, NY, CT, etc. pollute those states.
PA, MI and OH could all go GOP this election, making up for VA and NC. That’s where a VP from one of those “Rust Belt” states could loom HUGE.
PA, MI and OH could all go GOP this election, making up for VA and NC. Thats where a VP from one of those Rust Belt states could loom HUGE.
...you dream if you believe MI or PA is going red...PA is the most corrupt state in the Union, I know, I’ve lived here for half of my six decades; both are union hotbeds, run by thugs unleashed by big city machines come electon day, and are none too careful about vote fraud...and OH? I don’t see Mitt getting much traction there, with Kasich’s numbers tanking and the union thugs mobilizing...bottom line, Mitt makes it closer than anybody else would (for the newtoids on this forum, he’d take two or three Deep South states and lose all the rest),but Obama gets his second term...