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Mitt Romney leads Obama in first Gallup national tracking poll
The Hill ^
| April 16, 2012
| Jonathan Easley
Posted on 04/16/2012 12:03:42 PM PDT by Free ThinkerNY
Mitt Romney leads President Obama in the first Gallup national daily tracking poll.
Romney took 47 percent support from surveyed registered voters, while Obama took 45 in a poll conducted between April 11 and April 15. Romney's edge though is within the poll's three point margin of error.
Independents tipped the scale in favor of Romney, going for the former Massachusetts governor 45 percent to 39.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Breaking News; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: 2012gopprimary; 2012polls; abo; bho2012; fumr; romney; romney2012
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To: MNDude
Obama has never faced defeat in his life.He lost to hoodie wearer, Bobby Rush.
posted on
04/16/2012 6:03:44 PM PDT
To: Impy; Clintonfatigued; DarthVader
I saw “2012” Obama stickers on 4 different cars today. All were driven by women and 3 of the 4 were non-Caucasian.
posted on
04/16/2012 6:05:38 PM PDT
(Has Mittens won one "Red State" yet?)
To: brownsfan
Get over it... I will take Romney over Obama every day, all day.. Do I think Romney was the best pick? no but come on.. Lets get real here..
posted on
04/16/2012 6:26:56 PM PDT
To: Do Not Make Fun Of His Ears
How optimistic of you. You presume America will survive four more years of Obama. Obama's Friday the 13th power grab:
Power Grab for Natural Gas New Executive Order
And who will chair this powerful new group?
The former senior VP of La Raza, Cecilia Muñoz. Her particular area of expertise (of course) is immigration policy, which she covered at NCLR for twenty years. Expertise in natural resource development and use?? None, nada. But this is just another attempt by the libs and enviros to shut down fossil fuel use. UP WITH ALGAE!!!
posted on
04/16/2012 6:32:31 PM PDT
(Romney: Dresses and looks like a '50's character from "Mad Men" but no one's buying his shtick.)
To: Blowtorch
oh no, another Romney bot crybaby!
posted on
04/16/2012 6:41:09 PM PDT
Brown Deer
(Pray for 0bama. Psalm 109:8)
To: brownsfan
Your sarcastic replies are getting old and tired...Amazing that many folks have not caught on your silly sarcasm yet...
The good news is that 95% Republicans and Conservatives are going to vote for Romney over Obama and so does a majority of independents which means Obama will be defeated...
posted on
04/16/2012 6:46:13 PM PDT
(God bless our brave troops)
To: GOPsterinMA; Impy; AuH2ORepublican; Sun; BillyBoy; ExTexasRedhead; justiceseeker93
I don’t know how anyone can support Obama now. It amazes me that he’s a viable candidate.
posted on
04/16/2012 6:48:11 PM PDT
(A liberal's compassion is limited to the size of other peoples' paychecks)
To: GOPsterinMA
I know what you mean and they also look like clueless turkeys.
posted on
04/16/2012 6:50:35 PM PDT
(Politicians govern out of self interest, Statesmen govern for a Vision greater than themselves)
To: Brown Deer
bye bye what? Are you calling for banning people from this forum because they want vote for Romney over Obama? If that is the case then 90% of the members would be banned...good luck...
posted on
04/16/2012 6:51:57 PM PDT
(God bless our brave troops)
To: Free ThinkerNY
Independents tipped the scale in favor of Romney, going for the former Massachusetts governor 45 percent to 39. That is the key for winning the elections. Like all elections in history he who wins the independents would win the is that simple...
posted on
04/16/2012 6:53:57 PM PDT
(God bless our brave troops)
To: Brown Deer
Please catch a clue. I have never said I was a Romney supporter but go on labeling people. You’re good at that.
To: jveritas; Jim Robinson
Are you calling for banning people from this forum because they want vote for Romney over Obama? If that is the case then 90% of the members would be banned...good luck...
What part of the following statement by Jim Robinson don't you understand?
A reminder for those who are not receiving the message:
Romney is a pathological compulsive liar. Lie after lie papered over with more lies. Doesnt even flinch when caught in bald faced lies, simply tells another big whopper to cover up or dodge the issue. Funny thing, the man actually seems to believe his own latest lies and simply ignores the glaring record of his past actions/lies. And you have true blue establishment elite RINO Republicans like Karl Rove enabling and backing up his lies. Their motivation is simply to hang on to power (and riches) any way they can.
Ive stated many times since Romney started running for the presidency way back when that Id never vote for him and I will not. He cannot lie his way out of his decades long record of support for abortion, Roe v Wade, planned parenthood, gay rights, gun control, global warming, amnesty, liberal judges, big government, compulsory or socialized health care (RomneyCommieCare), mandates, Keynesian economics, support and approval of TARP, bailouts, stimulus packages, i.e, every damn liberal progressive issue that comes down the pike.
Cmon. These are the reasons the tea party sprang up and the reasons he and Rove loathe the tea party and our tea party conservative candidates. Romney famously expressed his loathing for Reagan-Bush conservatism several years ago when he was trying to run to the left of Ted Kennedy and now hes cloaking himself in Reagan conservatism, knowing full well that its a lie, but he knows its the only way he can possibly win, er buy the Republican nomination.
Screw Romney!! I absolutely will not support or vote for a proven compulsive liar with a known record of abortion and big government socialism, liberal appointments, etc. He still lies about RomneyCommieCare today. Calls it a conservative solution. Get real!!
Listen to what Ronald Reagan had to say about the elites pushing socialism on America via compulsory health insurance:
Ronald Reagan speaks out against RomneyCommieCare
There will be no campaign for this Massachusetts liberal liar on FR!!
posted on
04/16/2012 7:01:38 PM PDT
Brown Deer
(Pray for 0bama. Psalm 109:8)
To: brownsfan
posted on
04/16/2012 7:07:02 PM PDT
(Mitt Romney 2012 - Strength, Freedom, Prosperity)
To: Sarabaracuda; Jim Robinson
(Mitt Romney 2012 - Strength, Freedom, Prosperity)
posted on
04/16/2012 7:11:23 PM PDT
Brown Deer
(Pray for 0bama. Psalm 109:8)
To: Clintonfatigued
“I dont know how anyone can support Obama now. It amazes me that hes a viable candidate.”
I’m surprised that Obama’s approval rating is over 20%.
posted on
04/16/2012 7:12:03 PM PDT
(Pray that God sends us good leaders. Please say a prayer now.)
To: brownsfan
Fear is a great motivator along with high gasoline prices, rising food prices and falling wages.
The economy is sinking Obama right now along with RINO media inspiring fear of his leftist beliefs.
Romney could win this thing if he wins the nomination.
In fact, Newt could win if he wins the nomination.
But a bottom line scenario is the debt bubble bursting at some point with Washington politicians of both parties imposing higher taxes on us along with entitlement program cuts.
posted on
04/16/2012 7:12:11 PM PDT
To: Clintonfatigued
“I dont know how anyone can support Obama now. It amazes me that hes a viable candidate.”
The answer is simple: Too many creatures vote for a living.
posted on
04/16/2012 7:16:46 PM PDT
(Has Mittens won one "Red State" yet?)
To: DarthVader
Yep. And I’ll speculate that either the “baby daddy” or the “U.S. ATM Card” a.k.a. “we the taxpayers” are paying for them.
Time to unleash the Death Star.
posted on
04/16/2012 7:19:10 PM PDT
(Has Mittens won one "Red State" yet?)
To: Brown Deer
Would you rather have Obama?
posted on
04/16/2012 7:22:40 PM PDT
(Mitt Romney 2012 - Strength, Freedom, Prosperity)
To: Brown Deer
People saying that they want to vote for Romney over Obama is not campaigning for Romney... however it is the right thing to do...As if the members who say they want to vote for Romney over Obama are to be banned then this forum is going to lose 90% of its members...good luck with that...
Do you know how stupid you look by copying the owner of the forum in your replies as an action by you to intimidate other members?...Well I do not get initimiated by anyone and if I am going to be banned for saying that the right thing is to vote for Romney over Obama then be it...and you can go ahead and enjoy my banning...
posted on
04/16/2012 7:23:11 PM PDT
(God bless our brave troops)
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