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To: LifePath; itsahoot
A Romney nominee would not be a Scalia or a Thomas. He might be an Alito or a Roberts. Obama would nominate Mao, Alinsky, or Farrakahn. Anyone doubt this?

Nothing about Romney or his record supports your position.

Romney nominated 27 extreme left-wing, Progressive Liberals out of 36 nominations.

Legal analysts say candidate Romney is different from Gov. Romney.

Liberty Counsel Action Vice President Matt Barber said Romney’s appointments were constitutional “living document” poster children.

“Many of Romney’s appointments were not only liberal, not only Democrats, but were radical counter-constitutionalists. How on earth can we expect that, as president, he would be any different?” Barber asked rhetorically.

“Actions speak louder than words, and Mitt Romney’s actions as governor scream from the rooftops that he cannot be trusted with this most important of presidential responsibilities.”

Barber cites two specific examples of Romney’s radical appointments.

“As governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney not only failed in this regard, he appointed a number of very liberal, if not radical, ‘living, breathing’-minded judges to the bench,” Barber said.

“Two that come to mind were extreme homosexualists Marianne C. Hinkle and Stephen Abany,” he said. “They both had a long history of pro-gay activism, yet Romney didn’t hesitate to put them on the bench.”

“These are people who outrageously believe the postmodern notion that newfangled ‘gay rights’ trump our constitutionally guaranteed First Amendment rights,” he said.

Baldwin agreed, citing Romney’s statements about the two requirements he actually used when selecting judges.

“Romney did focus on two criteria: their legal experience and whether they would be tough on crime. In other words, the nominee could be a gay activist or a pro-big government, pro-quota, pro-gun control Democrat Party hack who detests every judicial principle treasured by our founding fathers,” Baldwin said. “But if he happens to be tough on crime and have prosecutorial experience, he gets past the Romney filter. Many of Romney’s nominees fit that description.”

How is it that so many of you pimping Romney are so ignorant of his record?
1,218 posted on 04/13/2012 10:02:57 PM PDT by SoConPubbie
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To: budwiesest; SoConPubbie

Pinging you to SoConPubbie’s post above about Romney’s record of appointing radical leftist progressive/liberal judges.

1,223 posted on 04/13/2012 10:07:27 PM PDT by Jim Robinson (There's no crying in rebellion!!)
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To: SoConPubbie
> How is it that so many of [the posters] pimping Romney are so ignorant of his record?

They may know his record, but they're boot-licking, Party-First, Republicans, not principled Conservatives.

As Jim has stated, this is a Conservative forum, not a Republican mouthpiece.

How the heck are we ever going to gain strength for our position, when half the people who claim to support it go running for cover under the (R) Party Flag at the first sign of an opposition candidate like Obama?

Sure, another Obama term will be nasty, and maybe that's what it will take to trigger the rebellion required to renew America. To paraphrase what another wise FR poster wrote some days ago:

This country was founded and fought for by men with little food and few supplies, who slogged through icy blizzards clothed in burlap bags, to fight against an enemy who had power, wealth, and comfort.
What the hell are we complaining about?
1,235 posted on 04/13/2012 10:20:42 PM PDT by dayglored (Listen, strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government!)
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