Pinging you to SoConPubbie’s post above about Romney’s record of appointing radical leftist progressive/liberal judges.
They may know his record, but they're boot-licking, Party-First, Republicans, not principled Conservatives.
As Jim has stated, this is a Conservative forum, not a Republican mouthpiece.
How the heck are we ever going to gain strength for our position, when half the people who claim to support it go running for cover under the (R) Party Flag at the first sign of an opposition candidate like Obama?
Sure, another Obama term will be nasty, and maybe that's what it will take to trigger the rebellion required to renew America. To paraphrase what another wise FR poster wrote some days ago:
This country was founded and fought for by men with little food and few supplies, who slogged through icy blizzards clothed in burlap bags, to fight against an enemy who had power, wealth, and comfort.What the hell are we complaining about?