I have said before on this forum that I dislike Romney intensely, but, on the question of life, Romney is preferable to Obama. Even though Romney (like Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush before him) was formerly pro-choice, I do not believe that he would ever support letting a fetus that survives an abortion die without any medical intervention. That is how radically pro-abortion Obama is!
The choice right now is not between Romney and Obama.
It is between Romney and Newt Gingrich, a soundly pro-life candidate who also understands the danger and methods of the Islamists - who would seek to install sharia by precedents such as the government forcing Christians (Catholics) to violate their own religion (which Romney did in Massachusetts). Once that precedent is there it’s just a matter of switching the government-established religion from “progressivism” to Islam.
And if we support Romney when we could be supporting Gingrich, we are asking for that very thing to happen.
Romney probably means well, but we all know what paves the road to hell. And those who support Romney in the primary as if we were already in the general will pave the way with good intentions.