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To: DeweyShootem; RitaOK; caww; onyx; Cincinatus' Wife; Marguerite; All; true believer forever; ...

He was rubbing it in everybody's face that an old coot like him could get somebody like her. No matter how God awful she looked.

This doesn't make any sense. If Callista really looked "God awful," how would it be that "he was rubbing it in everybody's face"? And do you suggest he should not have appeared with his wife at the political events but rather should have left her behind? And for which particular reason - being "God awful" or being "too young and too beautiful"?

I think your statement is, at the very least, subjective, projective, unworthy and, by accounts of most people who know and have met Callista, simply untrue.

Newt would bring the ever Lurking Calista with him and she was the cause of divorce # 2.

Are you really so blinded by hate that you have no compunctions about repeating and even magnifying the thoroughly disproved, debunked, refuted old lies sprung by the vile liberal media and propagated by the sclerotic GOP establishment?

If you really want to educate yourself on the facts, let's separate them from hateful fiction.

First, Callista is no more "Lurking" near her husband at the events than any other candidate's wife, be it Ann Romney or Karen Santorum.

Second, Newt met Callista for the first time and started dating her in 1993, 6 years after he was legally separated in 1987 from his estranged runaway wife #2, Marianne Ginther Gingrich (who chose to keep that name after the divorce) so Callista could not possibly have been the reason or cause for their separation and eventual divorce. Gingrich has been with Callista for more than 18 years, and happily married to her since 1999, after he resigned from Congress and finalized the bitter drawn-out divorce from Marianne, which she wouldn't grant him in 1994 when he was busy executing the Second Republican Revolution / Gingrich Revolution working to take over the Congress and pushing through the Congress and the vetoes the Contract With America. Callista, not Marianne, was with him through the trials and tribulations of that exciting and turbulent time, and 18 years together with her (more than 12 years in marriage) is much longer and happier than so many marriages are today. For the sake of the family Newt later converted to life-long faith of Callista, Catholicism.

Details / Refs:
Gingrich: If it comes to a shutdown, the GOP should stick to its principles - FR post #104, 2012 February 12

Gingrich admits ABC claim was false - FR post #32 / WSJ, No-Fault Newt, by James Taranto, 2012 January 20

The Inner Quest of Newt Gingrich (1995: Marianne Promised To "Undermine Everything" For Newt) - FR post #143, 2012 January 18 / PBS/VF, by Gail Sheehy, 1995 September

Romney Must Get Personal Over Bain Capital Attacks - FR, posts #21, #36, #42, #3, 2012 January 12

Things happen in marriage, it doesn't always work out between two people, no matter how wonderful or horrible they might otherwise be. Rush Limbaugh is on his fourth marriage, to a much younger woman from a prominent Democratic family, he has no children, yet how many would question his conservative credentials, including being pro-life, pro-family and pro-marriage? Reagan was divorced and remarried when he became President, yet he's been one of the best pro-life and pro-family Presidents.

Newt has good relationship with his first wife (who didn't die from cancer and wasn't served divorce papers when she was in the hospital - another debunked liberal lie, picked up by Newt's detractors) and he and Callista have great relationship with his daughters and grandchildren. Instead of being bitter about this, we should be happy for them, just like we are for Karen Santorum who made her share of mistakes in her youth, but found a good path and good marriage.

Also notice that some of the most ardent supporters of Newt on FR are women. So much for the "gender gap" that many so-called "conservatives" keep warning us about Newt becoming a nominee... How is this "gender gap" working out for Mitt Romney so far in national polling? Never overestimate the "well-meaning warnings" as usually they are just a case of "reverse psychology" in action.

He was delusional to think he could get the evangelicals with that approach.

Also completely inaccurate.

In reality, the evangelical "leaders" have been very split about Newt and Rick, and then, as usual, chose poorly, in favor of "wear it on the sleeve" but poorly prepared, and unorganized candidate who had no chance to win but possibly get just enough support to either get "promoted" himself to VP slot or (if he becomes unviable as campaign unfolds) to push Romney to choose an evangelical "family values" candidate, à la Bush-Quayle ticket. Grassroots evangelical support can sometimes provide the margin of winning (slim, near miss EC victories by George W. Bush in 2000 and 2004) but in itself is not enough to win elections or push a candidate that is not desired by GOPe

Vander Plaats of Iowa, just like he did with Huckabee in 2008, endorsed Santorum, who was then polling at 2%, despite Newt providing Plaats' organization with $150K that were crucial to the successful ousting of three pro-gay-marriage Iowa Justices. And while Tony Perkins, Gary Bauer and James Dobson also endorsed Santorum, it took three rounds of voting to decide the "official endorsement" between Newt and Rick, with many other evangelical leaders either absent or openly individually endorsing Newt after this "consensus vote" at the Pressler Ranch near Houston, just before SC primary. Tim and Beverly LaHaye (Chair of Concerned Women of America), Jim Garlow, Don Wildmon and others also endorsed Newt, although they didn't actively campaigned for him as Dobson, Plaats, Perkins and Gary Bauer did for Santorum.

From Gingrich: Christian Conservatives on My Side - RC, by Janie Lorber, 2012 January 17

Look where Dobson, Perkins, Plaats and Bauer are now - they are reduced to going hat in hand to Romney camp / GOPe who will most likely treat them like Clinton did Sister Soldja.

The unprecedented amount of money and extraordinary lies and ruined "conservative" reputations, that it took to assault Gingrich in Florida, by entire GOPe, when they / Romney were on the verge of losing to the only representative Tea Party conservative remaining there showed that GOPe wants Tea Party to occupy the same place within the GOP structure that the social / "family values" conservatives do now - a reliable vote by a "minority" that "has nowhere else to go" - basically the same exact role that the blacks, Jews, GLBT, "women" and other "minorities" represent for the establishment of the Democrat party. It was a fight for survival for GOPe, against a small(er) government, Reagan conservatives movement.

If we don't unite behind Newt, the Tea Party will be just like evangelicals - a few minority "local" groups that are only paid a lip service by GOPe on the national level. That may be just fine with some evangelical "leaders" - just like the blacks got "first black President" Bill Clinton and now the first African-American (literally, Kenyan-American) President, they might get another "compassionate conservative" like Bush-43. Where does it leave the country and the rest of us?

Evangelicals have simply been used by the GOPe to split the Tea Party vote, by providing them a "true conservative" alternative in the form of Santorum. For instance, there was never an attempt to intimidate or negotiate a cut off of Foster Friess' SuperPAC funds that provided just enough of a lifeline for Santorum's campaign, unlike trying to stop Sheldon Adelson funds to SuperPAC for Gingrich, or planing various false stories about the funds cut just before the states' primaries (thus diverting votes from Gingrich to Romney or Santorum).

(BTW, as an aside, the reason for Adelson not favoring Rick has nothing to do with his religious or social views - Vegas is a union town, casinos and restaurants there have had problems with several unions for decades, so the record of historically cozy relations of Santorum with unions is anathema to Vegas businessmen. There are large patches of prime real estate off the Strip in Vegas that have been for sale for a long time that nobody wants to buy and develop, but Adelson's Las Vegas Sands and Sands Cotai Central is opening another $5B casino in Macau, and plans to spend $35B over 9 years to build casinos and resorts in Spain, Macau and elsewhere in Asia - sales and profits are substantially higher per square foot overseas than in the unionized and overregulated U.S. / Vegas casinos).

Unfortunately, the entire Santorum's / evangelicals campaign plan was based entirely on trying to get Newt's votes and Newt out of the race, even though everybody understood that he would be crushed by Romney immediately after, one on one, even as Gingrich kept nearly publicly saying (to no avail for mathematically challenged) that he sees this as a fight to deny Romney most delegates rather than just "winning" the states while ceding delegates to Romney because Santorum didn't even have the required delegates in several states:

From Santorum, Paul look past Nevada caucuses - WPVI-TV, 2012 February 04

From Santorum refuses to bow despite another loss - WPVI-TV, 2012 February 05

Whoever thought that this may be a winning strategy against GOPe, was nuts, and had not learned the lessons of Huckabee 2008 run, when there wasn't even a fraction of money and the entire GOPe machine deployed against him like there was against Gingrich this year. Evangelicals played right into Romney / GOPe hands by insisting on "endorsing" and actively working for the "more perfect" single issue conservative as opposed to the supposedly "flawed" conservative.

To the delight of GOPe, it finally gave them an alternative to Newt - the race has turned from Anybody-But-Romney into Anybody-But-Gingrich. (Alinsky's rule #12 - "The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.")

"The best weapon against an enemy is another enemy" - Friedrich Nietzsche

All they had to do now was keep Santorum's campaign on "life support" and ignore Gingrich as if didn't exist in the race, except for ratcheting up the pressure on Adelson to cut off the funds to SPAC and keeping to mock Gingrich within the media and only repeatedly asking him when he is going to drop out (Alinsky's Rule #13 - "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.") to shut down his message and antagonize the voters against him within the party, similar to what they've done to Newt ever since he became the Speaker and to Palin since she became a VP candidate.

Newt has always been pro-life, unlike Mitt Romney who has been [s]electively pro-choice or pro-life when it suited him politically, or even Rick Santorum who has been pro-choice earlier in his life, before he married and ran for Congress (apparently, some early mistakes in life but not the life circumstances of the others could be forgiven by some evangelical leaders).

Newt was also an adopted child, an Army brat, having to move from place to place often, not experiencing or knowing much about love in his youth, and marrying very young and having two children in his 19 years long first marriage, yet at that time he also accomplished getting Master and PhD degrees in history and becoming a college professor. Yet he never plays up his humble and difficult upbringing. In contrast, Rick Santorum's stump speech starts with his grandfather in the "Pennsylvania mining town" while he conveniently avoids mentioning that he was basically a child of relative privilege (his father was a chief of psychology department, mother a chief of nurses in the local Butler, PA, VA hospital) so getting him a good education (MBA and JD) was not such a burden for his family.

I am not trying to dump on Rick, who is a good family man, and whose family has seen their share of tragedy and disappointments. But many of the people who were voting for Santorum or Romney somehow allowed themselves to be taken in by lies about Newt and not question them, progressing to hating Newt with a passion. I am just trying to show that if, in their minds, Rick and his family are deserving of Christian or human forgiveness for their transgressions, then certainly, by all means, so does Newt and his family.

Nobody gave Newt anything in life, he had to work very hard for everything he achieved in life, and despite all the hardship, he has a record of conservative accomplishments that very few people can boast or even dream about, both in public life and post-public entrepreneurial life. That's why he is hated, envied and, just like Ronald Reagan, reviled by the lunatic left and the comfortable establishment right.

"If you have no enemies, you are not important enough to have made any" - Alexandre Dumas

"It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit" - Ronald Reagan

Hume is just another excuse for Newt in a long line of excuse's.

As far as the old and tired meme of "excuses" and "whining" by Gingrich goes, if you ask for and are given an explanation of certain facts, you can always label anything you don't like an "excuse" or "whine" to ignore and avoid dealing with the substance of an explanation. That, in itself, is a poor, childish excuse for attempting to "win" the argument the substance of which you are unable to refute but unwilling to accept.

77 posted on 04/13/2012 10:04:36 PM PDT by CutePuppy (If you don't ask the right questions you may not get the right answers)
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To: CutePuppy

Good retort.

>> As far as the old and tired meme of “excuses” and “whining” by Gingrich goes...

The irony is Rick’s endless whining about why he should be the nominee only to drop out of the race to protect his political image from the inevitable failure in PA. Well, he got the attention he demanded only to bail when the situation began to look grim. Hell of a leader. /s

If Team Santorum gave their support to Newt, things could be different. But I suspect Romney is a more palatable option for some.

78 posted on 04/13/2012 10:21:34 PM PDT by Gene Eric (Newt/Sarah 2012)
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To: CutePuppy; VinL; JediJones; katiedidit1; b9; onyx; true believer forever; sheikdetailfeather

Please, post this on the forum as a vanity!

Just amazing. A great piece of work.

Thank you.


79 posted on 04/13/2012 10:52:25 PM PDT by RitaOK (LET 'ER RIP, NEWT. Newt IS Galt. (& Always has been.) 1144 isn't hear, yet!!!!)
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To: CutePuppy; DJ MacWoW; Jim Robinson; exit82; LibLieSlayer; dayglored; RedMDer; trisham; STARWISE; ...
I would have otherwise missed this entire thread, but for your ping to me, and now I'm going to save it just because of your wonderful, researched, erudite reply to that poster.

God bless and keep you, dearest Cute Puppy.

I loath what this ugly primary and Romney have done to patriot Newt Gingrich.

My prayers belong to him and Divine Intervention.

Ping and please pass it on!

80 posted on 04/13/2012 10:57:08 PM PDT by onyx (SUPPORT FREE REPUBLIC, DONATE MONTHLY. If you want on Sarah Palin's Ping List, let me know.)
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To: CutePuppy; onyx

Another great compilation CP — thank you onyx for the heads-up since I do miss pings.

Worth a read — needs some editing but his point is spot on:

88 posted on 04/14/2012 1:34:39 AM PDT by Cincinatus' Wife
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To: CutePuppy

Excellent post.
No one could say it any better.
I have noting to add to it, but just ...

96 posted on 04/14/2012 7:24:42 AM PDT by Marguerite (When I'm good, I am very, very good. But! When I'm bad, I'm even better)
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To: CutePuppy

Excellent! Very well done!

97 posted on 04/14/2012 7:36:01 AM PDT by Reily
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To: CutePuppy

The one to whom you so patiently responded knows that the lie races around the world while the truth takes a steady march. Lairs like Dewey have their father’s nature so they seek to mislead and manipulate using lies as their primary tools. We have several of these workign FR at a furious pace, trying to erase Newt’s presence so the high priest of a cult established by a peepstone conman sexual predator of married women can gain the feckless GOP-e nomination. These lairs are, in the final count, the ones aiding and abetting the dissolution of the We The People Republic. They are the enemy within ...

99 posted on 04/14/2012 8:43:43 AM PDT by MHGinTN (Being deceived can be cured.)
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To: CutePuppy

THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! There are so many who do NOT KNOW the truth, and you provided it for all to see in your post #77. Thanks again!

100 posted on 04/14/2012 6:36:49 PM PDT by seekthetruth (I want a Commander In Chief who honors and supports our Military!)
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