My wife said last night “what is the point of having a gun to carry now when a black guy or a homosexual or a muslim can attack you and you are put away for defending yourself”
I told my wife that is exactly how the left wants people to think if they cannot get the gun laws here overturned.
I remember how some blacks were shouting “ wait till we get a brother in” or “ you crackers will get what you have coming soon”
Blackl racist can run around, cause trouble, shoot each other, commit crimes all they want but they can do it to whites and all is good according to Hodler and the DOJ
Remember that lawyer who stepped down from the DOJ said that the new lawyers in the DOJ got order to ignore crimes committed by blacks on whites but to go after whites?
We knew this for 3 years , since the black panthers stood outside a voting station and the GOP for the most part did nothing, can’t upset two blocks of voters who never vote for us anyway.
Many blacks and homosexuals
Eric Holder approves.