Posted on 04/12/2012 6:04:09 AM PDT by SoFloFreeper
Trayvon Martins mother Sybrina Fulton told the TODAY show Thursday that she believes her sons fatal shooting by George Zimmerman was an accident.
I believe it was an accident, I believe that it just got out of control and he couldnt turn the clock back," she said.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Even the local paper, The Oklahoman, used the 12-yr old picture just last Monday in an article about the shooting.
How much did mommy get for the gold teeth Trayvon had in his mouth?
“With malice towards none”.
BINGO! They know the charges will never stick, but this is all about the Benjamins.
That's what I was thinking. I've heard some people theorize that this situation is to Obama's benefit, but I think it's quite the reverse. I think this mess -- especially the fact that Obama stepped into it with his "if I had a son" remark and, worse, the fact that Holder hasn't charged the NBPP for taking out a bounty on an American citizen who hadn't even been charged at the time -- has already damaged Obama, and if it gets worse, it will do his chances for re-election irreparable harm.
She can sue the neighborhood? Maybe this is a legal theory for negligence...
T’s mom has my sympathy. She is a pawn in the great chess match. The left has succeeded in establishing their new poster boy.
I agree! Very huge! Accident is not 2nd degree murder!
It will be much clearer when we know from what angle Martin was shot. If it is determined he was shot while he was on top of Zimmerman that will lend credibility to Zimmerman’s account. If they further find Martin’s fingerprints on the gun, that will certainly give credence to the entire things being an accident, as they were likely struggling over the gun and that caused it to go off.
Then again, surely this would be known to the officials by now. It is hard to imagine them calling for 2nd degree murder unless there is clear evidence of intent to kill.
Gee, US Attorney General Steadman Holder said of her little boy the other day that he was “lost to the ages,” like he was John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King or Jerome “Curly” Howard.
And now it turns out that it was all just an “accident”?
George should be looking for a good defamation attorney.
It is call a PLR-16. Uses the same magazines as the M-16 rifle. If SHTF and the WWLAO (world without law and order) one could add an illegal stock to pistol and you have yourself a short PDW (personal defence weapon). There has been some consumer complaints. The weapon is made of polymer and where the bolt goes back and hits the plastic stock/receiver the plastic can start cracking after several thousand rounds of usage. I don’t know if Keltec redesgin and reinforced that vulnerable spot.
That is more madeup MSM crap. He had made 46 calls in 8 years. This information was up on Sanford’s website along with the 911 calls until the state had them remove everything.
Lots of neighborhood watch groups in Florida... lots of folks have to buy home security systems. Cops can't patrol white neighborhoods because they're too busy babysitting lower class black communities.
I'm tired of paying for police protection I don't get...
It's time the 'black community' was taxed for cops in proportion to their use. They want to raise hoodlums? Fine. Let them pay for the privilege.
The 90 year old war veteran husband was beaten and his jaw broken. He was shot in the face numerous times with a BB gun and sent to the hospital in critical condition.
The 85 year old partially blind wife was RAPED and then BEATEN TO DEATH.
Can you just imagine the pain, the humiliation, the horror that dear old lady experienced being gang raped by that pack of feral animals?
(the autopsy states she was raped. Dont think all of these animals didnt all participate)
And can you imagine the pain, the horror of that dear old husband having to witness this?
Theres a lot more involved here than a home invasion and robbery.
90 year old husbands jaw broken and shot in face with a BB gun numerous times?
85 wife year old semi blind wife RAPED and BEATEN to death??
Why does it take a foreign press to enlighten America as to this henious crime?
Where is the outrage?
Where is the rest of this pack of feral blacks who robbed, raped, tortured and murdered this elderly couple? Are they even looking? Not a word about it since.
When Zimmerman is freed - he needs to sue these people - all of them - from the black panthers on down.
So who is the “he” she is talking about? I think it’s her son. He got out of control and could not turn back. She knows he attacked Zimmerman. She’s had to face the reality of the evidence and especially the info coming to light since then. Her son’s intent will be key in the trial if there is one. All of the twitter quotes and photos will be brought in. He wasn’t the boy in the photo on the front of People. He wasn’t walking on the sidewalk, he was being suspicious and his behavior was reported. She knows the Sharpton balloon will pop just like it did for Tawanna Brawley. Hype and incitement. Her calling it an accident is a way for her not to accept her son was the aggressor.
All it does is take the heat off some of the higher ups in FL, and put it on Sanford and it's PD.
"If they had not brought charges they knew that things would have exploded with riots etc."
That is an assumption. Do you have any evidence that has happened in the past?
"Now that charges have been brought it appears the mother and probably all the family will now start talking down the racists as they know what really happened."
Or they want to reduce their exposure to future lawsuits if Zimmerman walks.
"Now if the case is dismissed or a not guilty verdict is reached at trial they are hoping all the evidence will dissipate the tensions and hopefully avert riots."
You betcha...After the Rodney King trials tensions were dissipating all over LA, for days!
"it is a calculated gamble by the state trade 100% sure riots for a 25-50% chance there are no riots when Zimmerman is exonorated."
Again. Empirical evidence supports those percentages, in reverse.
"And then there is always the possibility that there is evidence that shows the charges are justified although I think this is highly unlikely."
Finally, we agree.
More likely somebody with a brain told her that when this guy gets acquitted he is going to sue the snot out of her family and everybody else.
That's obviously an absurd number. Where did you see it?
The correct number is 46 calls since 2004. You can read the summaries of them in this police PDF (which Wagist helpfully saved before Sanford, FL took it down, apparently at the behest of Corey).
And exactly what was preventing her from doing that without going to trial?
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