And anyway, even if it was frangible range quality ammo, I don't want every swinging dick in the DHS training up to SWAT/CQB standards, which is when you use the frangible training ammo. FMJ blammo is all that 95% of those guys need for qualifying at the square range against paper targets.
I do NOT want the EPA, Fish and Wildlife and IRS all practicing CQB to use against.....who? Who?
Anyway, I'm not buying that 450 million frangible HP defensive ammo were all bought for “routine training.” I'm not buying that at all.
The conclusion I reach is that Obama/Holder, in their deluded Marxist minds, are preparing for their “civlian army” to go to war against the bitter clingers, who are just not going to get with the program.
I hope the “troops” in the various FLEAs don't go along with Obama’s “program,” or is that “pogrom?”
Agree of course. Crazy day’s..... This punk Mitt is just as bad as Erkel Mugabe IMO. Gonna have to try and take senate and house to counter the comming sh*t storm on the horizon. White House is a no win situation from my view here in the cheap seats.
Stay safe !
Besides the Herculean effort by DC to turn DHS into a bunch of pillow biting gerbil burglars, we hire and retain people that are literally handicapped. The idea of DHS launching some kind of martial oppression against a determined and resolute populace makes me laugh.