After witnessing what they've done I will not longer be a Republican.
They don't speak for me.....listen to me....or care about me.
I'm through.
Please explain how this ACTUAL voting record of Santorum is conservative....compared to him Newt’s record in congress is head and shoulders more conservative.
Rick Santorums voting record:
Voted for taxpayer funding of the National Endowment for the Arts.
Voted against a 10% cut in the budget for National Endowment for the Arts.
Voted for a Schumer amendment to make the debts of pro-life demonstrators not dischargeable in bankruptcy.
Voted to require that Federal bureaucrats get the same payraises as uniformed military.
Voted to allow food and medicine sales to state sponsors of terror and tyranical regimes such as Libya and Cuba.
Voted for Sonia Sotomayor, Circuit Judge
Voted twice for Marsha Berzon to the 9thg Circuit
Voted for mandatory Federal child care funding
Voted for Job Corps funding
Voted twice in support of Fedex Unionization
Voted for minimum wage increases six times
Voted to require a union representative on an IRS oversight board.
Voted against creating independent Board of Governors to investigate IRS abuses.
Voted for Federal funding for anti-gun education programs in schools.
Voted for anti-gun juvenile justice bill.
Voted for funding for the legal services corporation.
Voted twice for a Congressional payraise.
Voted against increasing the number of immigration investigators
Voted to allow illegal immigrants to receive the earned income credit before becoming citizens
Voted to give SSI benefits to legal aliens.
Voted to give welfare benefits to naturalized citizens without regard to to the earnings of their sponsors.
Voted against hiring an additional 1,000 border partrol agents, paid for by reductions in state grants.
Voted against a flat tax.
Voted to increase tobacco taxes to pay for Medicare prescription drugs
Voted to increase tobacco taxes to fund health insurance subsidies for small businesses.
Voted to increase tobacco taxes to pay for an $8 billion increase in child healh insurance.
Voted to increase tobacco taxes to pay for an increase in NIH funding.
Voted twice for internet taxes.
Voted to allow gas tax revenues to be used to subsidize Amtrak.
Voted to strike marriage penalty tax relief and instead provide fines on tobacco companies.
Voted against repealing the Clinton 4.3 cent gas tax increase.
Voted to increase taxes by $2.3 billion to pay for an Amtrak trust fund.
Voted to allow welfare to a minor who had a child out of wedlock and who resided with an adult who was on welfare within the previous two years.
Voted to increase taxes by $9.4 billion to pay for a $9.4 billion increase in student loans.
Voted against food stamp REFORM
Voted against Medicaid REFORM
Voted for $2 billion for low income heating assistance.
Sponsored An amendment to increase Amtrak funds by $550 million
Voted to increase spending on social programs by $7 billion
Voted to increase NIH funding by $1.6 billion.
Voted to increase NIHnding by $700 million
Voted to for a $2 million earmark to renovate the Vulcan Monument (AL)
Voted for a $1 billion bailout for the steel industry
Voted to increase community development programs by $2 billion.
Voted to make Medicare part B premium subsidies an new entitlement.
Voted against paying off the debt ($5.6 trillion at the time) within 30 years.
Voted to give $18 billion to the IMF.
Voted to raid Social Security instead of using surpluses to pay down the debt.
Voted to allow states to impose health care mandates that are stricter than proposed new Federal mandates, but not weaker.
Voted twice for Federal mental health parity mandates in health insurance.
Voted to increase spending for the Department of Education by $3.1 billion.