Mitt, don't count your chickens before they hatch.
Sincerely, A Chicken Farmer.
Several things are happening that indicate to me that some truth is coming out albeit slowly. In my humble opinion, Fox News ratings are down 17% because viewers grow weary of their being so clearly biased in favor of Mitt Romney, but dont look for them to see it that way. For the month, Fox News is down -17% in Total Viewers and down -27% in younger viewers for Total Day viewing vs. March 2011. The loss in Primetime is not as great: -9% in Total Viewers and -26% in younger viewers.
Despite his millions, Romney has set a record in negative ratings: Mitt Romney trails Barack Obama by 19 points in basic popularity as the 2012 presidential contest inches closer to the main event, with a record 50 percent of Americans in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll now rating Romney unfavorably overall. Thirty-four percent hold a favorable opinion of Romney, the lowest for any leading presidential candidate in ABC/Post polls in primary seasons since 1984. His unfavorable score is higher than Obama ever has received; its been exceeded by just one other Republican candidate this year, Newt Gingrich, and by only one top candidate in 28 years, Hillary Clinton in 2008.
Also, women love Rick Santorum. At least, conservative women do. This article at Politico about that can be highly misleading, though. [Emphasis mine.]
But far from being scared off by Santorum, conservative women are zealously embracing him. The former Pennsylvania senator, who is ardently anti-abortion and against birth control, has won the female vote in a large handful of states in the Republican presidential contest so far, particularly in the South. He also has the highest favorability rating among women of any GOP contender.
Rick Santorum is personally against birth control but he would not ban it. What the Left is so concerned about is that Rick Santorum thinks something about religion that they dont want him to think, and so they tell people that because he thinks it, it means he wants a law about it. This is anti-Catholicism in that it indicates falsehood about what it means to be a Catholic candidate for office and it seems to be done intentionally, to build misplaced resentment against Rick Santorum. The reason Rick Santorum wouldnt ban contraception is because he believes in E Pluribus Unum and also, I am guessing, that our faith requires that we not try to ram our beliefs down other peoples throats. We know that if we try that, we will only succeed in building resentment and that is not in accordance with our faith. Santorum frequently speaks about the American principle of E Pluribus Unum on the campaign trail, so reporters should know where he stands on how to heal polarization. America is a land of very diverse beliefs but we have to find agreement on basic principles as the Founders of America did. The reason he wouldnt ban contraception is because so many in America are not personally opposed to it and because so many actually use it. To try to ban it would go completely against what he is about regarding agreement on basic principles and silence in the law on those matters we cant find agreement on. So, for Politico to say he is against birth control without offering any kind of clarification as to what that means specifically is not really fair at all to Rick Santorum.
In other news: HERE IS A MUST READ on the delegate math, according to the Santorum campaign. Newt has cut staff and, according to Stacy McCain, his campaign is unsustainable. Mitt Romney is still tone-deaf. Though Thomas Peters of Catholic Vote has clearly made a good case for Rick Santorum, Santorum isnt winning the Catholic vote writ large with Catholic meaning anyone who identifies as Catholic to a pollster. These would include Catholics who are not at all okay with a faithful Catholic running as president. Meanwhile, Mitt Romney has Mormon Romniacs according to the Washington Post: They are Mitt Romneys superfans. To be clear: These Romniacs are not Wall Street bigwigs or paid campaign operatives. Many of them, but not all, are Mormons like Romney. What unites them is a powerful and unusual excitement for a candidate who struggles to excite anybody else. Im not so sure. Ive seen a lot of bigwigs for Mitt Romney.
This race is far from over. Donate to Rick Santorum today.
Can still be broken up into more paragraphs.
Thanks Pinkbell. I also posted the link.