The reporters are approaching city workers at home and away from work. The title in the liberal Orlando Sentinel is misleading.
To: sheikdetailfeather
2 posted on
03/29/2012 4:11:50 AM PDT by
("We Need To Teach The Establishment a Lesson" - Newt Gingrich)
To: sheikdetailfeather
“Misleading” is the MSM’s middle name!
3 posted on
03/29/2012 4:18:17 AM PDT by
HiTech RedNeck
(Sometimes progressives find their scripture in the penumbra of sacred bathroom stall writings (Tzar))
To: sheikdetailfeather
Sanford Police Threaten To Arrest Reporters For Asking Questions
Pathetic, if true... especially given that they haven’t arrested any of the New Black Panther racists for soliciting the kidnapping or death of one of their citizens, a felony in the State of Florida.
7 posted on
03/29/2012 4:31:49 AM PDT by
Common Sense 101
(Hey libs... If your theories fly in the face of reality, it's not reality that's wrong.)
To: sheikdetailfeather
The LSM here is worried sick.
They started this, most especially the local ABC station channel 9 here.
The day after channel 9 was "Investigating" and showing witnesses.
I said then we could save a lot of money doing away with our courts and just let channel 9 be the judge & jury.
Now that the truth is slowly coming out, they are worried and should be. There could be lawsuits galore if it comes out Zimmerman is 100% not guilty and we have riots everywhere.
11 posted on
03/29/2012 4:46:39 AM PDT by
(Stupid is as stupid does.)
To: sheikdetailfeather
For those that don't live here in central Florida here is something interesting.
A while back we had a local fireman travel to Maine in a rental car. He was married with children. When he didn't show up for work the local news went up there to help locate him. The same station that tried and convicted Mr. Zimmerman namely the local ABC station channel 9 was almost arrested for trying to interfere in the investigation. It was funny watching as the officer was screaming at them to get the hell out of there. they were at the home of the suspect.
It turned out that the firefighter was taking prescription drugs up there to sell. One of his buyers owed him money, and the firefighter went to collect and was killed.
They have the suspect in custody and of course he is claiming self defense.
For some reason the police departments around here are scared of channel 9. Not Maine they do not take kindly to the TV investigating an active crime scene.
27 posted on
03/29/2012 7:51:43 AM PDT by
(Stupid is as stupid does.)
To: sheikdetailfeather
29 posted on
03/29/2012 7:56:59 AM PDT by
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