Well, well. The Orlando Sentinel. This is big. Let’s just hope that the race baiters don’t manage to lynch Zimmerman before the media decide it’s time to let the truth come out.
Here we go......
The truth is starting to get out. By Friday, you won’t hear about it again. It doesn’t serve the lefts purpose; to start a racial war.
If that is true Zimerman had reason to fear for his life and was justified in shooting him.
But it's just more fun to be outraged.
Obama’s son?
I must have seen 30+ segments of this issue on MSNBC (now the Trayvon Martin channel) but not one gave this account which may or may not be true. Every single one had Trayvon Martin chased and then shot in the back while begging for his life, go figure. Even FNC followed MSNBC's lead.
The above story wouldnt have motivated those protests in the same way.
If these reported facts are true then the “Hoodie” and “Skittles” flap has received a major blow. These facts may even rebound against the imbeciles in the White House.
Zimmerman will go down for Manslaughter.
The Orlando Sentinel Hates Black People!
Thanks for the post.
Knockout King. Sucker punched.
I’m really angry at Obama and the race haters who stirred up lynch mobs and an inane “national dialogue” over this.
IF we had to liste that “blacks are under attack” and “black dads have to have this talk with their sons”....
Then why if these facts prove out, can’t we say that we “are under attack BY blacks” or that at least hispanics are under attack, or at least hispanic neighborhood watch volunteers?
Because all of this racial generalization is insane and dangerous.
What percentage of young black males have a dad at home to talk to them? What percent of young black males commit crimes, take drugs, etc?
I’d like to live in the real world, not a world of leftist fantasy.
Do the police have pictures of Zimmerman’s face? My son recently got decked while he was working as a security guard on Mardi Gras night. Knocked him out and everything. The police took pictures of his face, which was pretty bloodied up. I’m just wondering if that was done in this case. It sure would help to prove Zimmerman’s story of what happened.
Oh how about the one who claims Zimmerman's testimony is inadmissible because it is self serving?
And of course, the group that will say this is just Zimmerman's story, and there is no evidence to back it up.
I thought this was interesting. The innocent lad was suspended for drug possession in school.
By the way, the grown-up photo I saw yesterday (FB? Twitter?) of a 17-year-old Trayvon with gold teeth, tattoos, sleepless eyes, and an ugly expression, was a match, feature for feature, with the innocent-looking photo of a younger Travon now being circulated in the state-run media. Ears, nose, chin, even the shape of the upper teethquite distinctive, and they all match. It was like the portrait of Dorian Gray, what that kid had become.
"With a single punch, Trayvon Martin decked the Neighborhood Watch volunteer who eventually shot and killed the unarmed 17-year-old, then Trayvon climbed on top of George Zimmerman and slammed his head into the sidewalk several times, leaving him bloody and battered, authorities have revealed to the Orlando Sentinel"
rather than a more appropriate and sequentially correct:
"With a single punch, Trayvon Martin decked the Neighborhood Watch volunteer, climbed on top of George Zimmerman and slammed his head into the sidewalk several times, leaving him bloody and battered, before Zimmerman defended himself by shooting and killed the attacker, authorities have revealed to the Orlando Sentinel."
Rene immediately propagandizes some more:
"That is the account Zimmerman gave police, and much of it has been corroborated by witnesses, authorities say."
Much?!? Just what in that statement from authorities has not been collaborated!?! Eventually Rene Stutzman gets down and dirty in her leftist media skankiness:
"Trayvon was an unarmed black teenager who had committed no crime, an innocent who was gunned down while walking back from a 7-Eleven with nothing more sinister than a package of Skittles and can of Arizona iced tea."
The crime, which cost Martin his life, was attacking Zimmerman so violently and viciously that Zimmerman had reasonable cause to fear for his life. On this story the media have flaunted their complete and utter fifth-column political whoredom.
Give the angry mob an out, else they won’t back down. Flatter them and make them think they matter.
Wow! It looks like all of Black America owes George Zimmerman an APOLOGY!