Posted on 03/26/2012 6:25:01 AM PDT by marktwain
An Innocent Boy Is Dead And The Media Played Us (updated!)
Its important to mention facts about this case, not to blame Trayvon in any way, but to show how we are all being played by the media.
The media went with the meme that a white guy had shot Trayvon. That was untrue. He was Hispanic. The media kept using the term gated community, giving the impression that it was a white neighborhood, since the crime watch captain Zimmerman was white, we all assumed that. Not true. The neighborhood was only half white, the other half non-white (I am assuming black and Hispanic). It was not the lush lawns of a gated community like the media would have you believe, it was an apartment complex that had been victim to a bunch of robberies recently.
The witness that the police interviewed at the time of the shooting said that George Zimmerman was on the ground with Trayvon on top of him hitting him. Zimmerman did have grass stains on his back and his face his bleeding when the police get there. Now, who could blame Trayvon for attacking Zimmerman? Here was this guy following him, for all he knew, to rob and hurt him. So, it doesnt change the story really to point out that fact, but most of the media ignored this part because it didnt make the story juicy enough. Police played the 9-11 tape to Trayvons father and the father tells police that it is not his son screaming in the background. I cant tell you how upset so many were to hear that tape and imagine it was Trayvon screaming, but it wasnt. But heaven forbid the media correct that. Again, it just made the story juicer.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Hmmmm, it must have been another tab I had open. There are lots of threads about this and I’m catching up from a weekend with dance recital.
Go to any recording of Zimmerman’s 911 call. He says “I lost him” and then continues to speak to the operator for another couple minutes.
If you can find Martin’s 911 call, I’d appreciate it.
Let me explain something: Working the grave-yard shift at a convenience store - a thug called the store from the outside phone booth - stating he had a gun pointed at my head and demanded that I take the money from the register to the door. I pretended to follow his commands - and promptly locked the door.
Lucky for me - I was training a young black guy that night. He managed to ID the perp - hit the alarm button and turn the lights out - SAVING MY LIFE!!!!!
Life experience builds wisdom.
It depends on if you're looking at the media's pictures of Martin as an eleven-year-old (which is what they mostly show), or looking at the police report filed (which says 6'0 and 160). Poor George has his current pictures on display, yet the media shows 6 year outdated pictures of the black punk Martin.
No, sorry, I don't. AlmaKing does tho, check out her latest posts, its out there several nauseum I might add.
Fine. Tell ya what, m'lord. If I'm ever around when you're getting the living shit beaten out of you, I'll remember your words.....and walk away. If you die, tough shit.
What an unbelievable moron.
Bwahahahaha ... good one. You’ve got that ‘counter it with humor’ thing down pat! BTW, if that one posts such a fiction, please, let me know. I can always use a good laugh at the expense of not so stealthy any more leftists.
You are a real piece of work!
A shot into the air would have provided his assailant with the advantage, and probably have resulted in Zimmerman’s death.
at the link:
Trayvon Martin Investigation
FAQ Letter
Dear Citizens:
There has been a lot of media attention to the recent incident where George Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon Martin. This is indeed a tragic situation and has caused a flood of questions and strong emotions from within our community, the region and nation. On behalf of the employees of the City of Sanford, Our deepest sympathy and prayers go out to the family and friends of Trayvon Martin. As a father, I can only image the pain Trayvons family must be going though. In an effort to continue to be as responsive as possible to the public seeking information on the incident, I have asked Chief Lee to provide answers to some of the most frequently asked questions regarding this matter. Below are his responses. . . Read More . . .
911 Calls
In no particular order
Call 1
Call 2
Call 3
Call 4
Call 5
Call 6
Call 7
Call 8
Twin Lakes Shooting Initial Report
Retreat Neighborhood Notification
Update 1
Update 2
George Zimmerman 911 Call History
Response to ABC News
The Retreat at Twin Lakes Trespassing Issue
Burglary Reports
Neighborhood Watch Info
Burglary Prevention
Neighborhood Watch Program
Neighborhood Watch Handbook
so if an armeed ccw licenced woman is attacked by an unarmed man who atempts to rape her, she should not shoot him?
woman victim, fluke= check
black victim, tayvon= check (buy the t-shirt comming to a store near you!)
we need the homosexual victim next,
we need an illegal alien victim next,
fun fun fun in hopey changy land!
well you know the problem is watches target criminals and targeting criminals is racist. (/s)
To add, all Zimmerman has to argue is that he was losing consciousness because of the injury to the back of his head, and if he lost consciousness, he would be at the complete mercy of his assailant.
Thus, he had to shoot to save his own life. He only shot to stop the felonious act by Martin. It was a tragic consequence that Martin died of his wound.
His attorney is going to have no problem with this.
He reminds me of the narcissistic manager in “The Office” (40 year old virgin actor, I believe). Cute is unfortunately inadequate and should not sway above life needed serious care.
>>There is about a one-minute gap during which police say they’re not sure what happened.<<
Well I’m not sure why the Police didn’t know. They were on the phone with Zimmerman when he said that he was watching a man, then said that he was pursuing him, then said “I lost him” THEN sat on the phone giving his position and asking that the police call him when they arrive so he could tell them where he was at that moment.
Maybe the Orlando Sentinel didn’t listen to the actual 911 tape. Maybe the police rep who gave that statement didn’t. I don’t know, but I do know that when you search for the call, and look at the time at the bottom of the file, it was much more than a minute.
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