Your Obama piling on 5 trillion in debt not good enough for you? maybe you would enjoy the 15 trillion more of Obama debt?
Obama is crushing America under a mountain of debt, a sea of socialism, an Ocean of China products , marxist supreme court justices, hundreds of liberal judges, a horde of illegals and a thousand other crimes . it will only increase this in its second term.
Do you people understand that the U.S. will collapse under this mountain of 5 trillion and growing of Obama debt , do you ?
It ain't going to be any better under Romney.
At this point, there’s about a 99% possibility RMoney is going to be the nominee. So 2012 is going to be a liberal vs. a liberal. Sure, Slick Willard might be a little less offensive of a liberal than Hussein, but at the end of the day he’s still a liberal. So if hypothetically conservatives try to drag him across the finish line, we’ll have a liberal for 4 years. Then in 2016, the Dems will obviously nominate another liberal, so it would be liberal vs. liberal AGAIN.
I’d rather have a liberal now and get a true conservative in 2016 then two liberals in a row, even if they do have an (R) next to their name!