To: Antoninus
I am aware that’s not his message. His message is simply to enforce existing laws. But, that’s not the way the public will see it. When he gets questions like that, he needs to just ignore them.
I don’t support the porn culture. I think it’s vile. But, he stepped in something that will likely now be a national embarrassment for him. He shouldn’t have even answered the question.
144 posted on
03/17/2012 8:48:12 AM PDT by
("Carve your name on hearts, not marble." - C.H. Spurgeon)
To: rwfromkansas
I dont support the porn culture. I think its vile. But, he stepped in something that will likely now be a national embarrassment for him. He shouldnt have even answered the question.
Really? How do you think the female vote will react to Santorum's statements?
Don't be so fast to believe the media meme that they know best how to destroy a candidate. Their brains are addled and they are incapable of thinking like a normal, rational person on issues involving sex.
161 posted on
03/17/2012 9:27:15 AM PDT by
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