Having given it some thought, no. I refuse to endorse (and when you vote for someone, you *are* endorsing them, no matter how you rationalize it) someone that in my view is nothing more than a Democrat who has an R next to his name. Based on his record as governor, Romney will be a President in Obama’s mold, regardless of what he says about what he will do. A Northeastern gun-grabbing liberal is what he is- and will continue to be elected. Besides, if he’s as electable as the GOP establishment believes, he doesn’t need real conservatives anyway- he can find some disaffected Democrats who will probably approve of his leftist policies more than I will. That, and and I believe a Romney candidacy or a Romney presidency would be the end of the conservative movement, because it would send the GOP elite the message that a socialist candidate is acceptable.
that should state “he will continue to be if elected.”