To: RitaOK; StarFan; Dutchy; alisasny; BobFromNJ; BUNNY2003; Cacique; Clemenza; Coleus; cyborg; DKNY; ..
The time has passed where we comply and cooperate with tyrants. Expect Perry to tell them to shove it. We need some open resistance and soon.I agree, Rita. Hope we hear from Gov. Perry soon. This is outrageous...
30 posted on
03/12/2012 9:29:56 AM PDT by
(Rest in Peace, and THANK YOU, Andrew Breitbart)
To: nutmeg
Hey Nutmeg I hope all is well with you and Zelig. I hope Gov Perry has a set of balls that dismiss this based on the 10th Amendment. You can't cash a check without some form of ID. The same should be held when casting a vote. When I lived in Florida I had to present photo ID to vote and I didn't think it was racist or anything like that I thought it was the right thing to do.
59 posted on
03/12/2012 10:05:47 AM PDT by
Warrior Nurse
(I am an American Fighting Man, fighting to keep our country free from despots and idiots)
To: nutmeg
We need some open resistance and soon.
I have often heard the expression “Don’t mess with Texas!” Let’s hope it proves true here.
139 posted on
03/13/2012 11:17:38 AM PDT by
Bigg Red
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