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Santorum: "I'd Like Everybody To Get Out"
YAHOO NEWS ^ | 5 hrs ago.. | Ben Terris

Posted on 03/11/2012 8:16:46 AM PDT by PSYCHO-FREEP

Rick Santorum needs about 60 percent of the remaining delegates to claim the Republican nomination. It would be an easier task, he admits, if former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich would drop out, but Santorum would not call explicitly for him to do so.

“The Speaker can stay as long as he wants,” Santorum said on NBC’s Meet the Press this morning. Instead, a Super PAC supporting Santorum has run ads calling for Gingrich to drop out of the race. (snip for excerpt purp.)

“We’re in a great position now as we go forward,” he said.

Of course, there would be an easy way for Santorum to really make up ground: “I’d like everybody to get out,” he said.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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To: Eva
NO! Not at all!
161 posted on 03/11/2012 11:42:01 AM PDT by PSYCHO-FREEP (If you come to a fork in the road, take it........)
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Of course he would like everybody to drop out. It is the only way he would have a chance.
Right now he is counting on democrats and big union supporters crossing over to win the Republican nomination, but once the general comes they will move back even farther to the left, and support Obama.
162 posted on 03/11/2012 11:42:53 AM PDT by John D
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To: Eva
Birds of a feather, flock together......
163 posted on 03/11/2012 11:44:52 AM PDT by PSYCHO-FREEP (If you come to a fork in the road, take it........)
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[ Having Newt stay in, is our best chance to save this in a Brokered Convention. ]

There you go.. and if Newt gets a lot more delegates he will have more clout..
Newt needs to go for the Unions juggler.. Unions members won’t vote for him anyway..
He needs to link the Unions and the federal givernment.. nobody has yet..

Actually it would be a sound bite generator and scare the HELL out of the democrats..
NOBODY(almost) has ever done it.. Attack the Unions as the Vampires they are..

The Unions are parasites on the American Political System..
Vampires, tapeworms, ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, leeches, even intestinal worms..
Newt could do it, ONLY he, would have the courage to try..

FREEDOM is the right to NOT BELONG to a Union..
Only possible in right to work States..
IF Newt cannot win the primary, ONLY the truth will do any good..

The UNIONS have no clothes and are naked this cycle..
Its NOW or never.. the UNIONS have stepped in “it”..
ONLY someone saying “did you smell that”.. everyone check their shoes..
Americas carpets are getting “soiled”..

164 posted on 03/11/2012 11:47:27 AM PDT by hosepipe (This propaganda has been edited to include some fully orbed hyperbole...)
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One out of every four posts on this thread is yours. It’s not exactly like I’m hiding something in a corner.

“Back stabbing deceit”

Hmmm....Keep it up, please. With ambassadors like that, Newt’s numbers will drop even more and Rick’s will continue to rise.

[Full disclosure: I like Newt. I’m just not crazy about some of his supporters.]

165 posted on 03/11/2012 11:49:17 AM PDT by Engraved-on-His-hands
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To: Eva
Drudge says that polls show that Santorum would beat Obama.

That is only because big union and big spenders are supporting him now.
The popular vote means nothing. It is the electoral college that counts. Santorum's support comes from the big union liberal states that Obama is going to carry. Do you really think they will actually support him in the general.
I didn't either.
166 posted on 03/11/2012 11:52:00 AM PDT by John D
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To: Engraved-on-His-hands

‘It kinda says a lot that you can’t differentiate between attacks on a declared candidate for public office...

...and personal attacks on private citizens.

167 posted on 03/11/2012 12:01:28 PM PDT by gogogodzilla (Live free or die!)
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To: Patton@Bastogne

dude, do you really think a post that long is helpful to explaining your viewpoint? (Actually, after I read a previous post where you claimed Santorum was Romney’s “buttboy”, I kinda didn’t think I’d really bother.)

But, thank you, for all the information, anyway. :-)

168 posted on 03/11/2012 12:11:14 PM PDT by Girlene (WOWSA)
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To: gogogodzilla

Yes, how dare we present the actual truth and facts about a candidate that the voters need to hear. Then when we do, we are accused of lying and spreading “hate”.

They seem to think that by inventing extremes that are not there, will somehow eliminate the reality they do not wish to face up to.

169 posted on 03/11/2012 12:19:57 PM PDT by PSYCHO-FREEP (If you come to a fork in the road, take it........)
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To: Mariner
"[Psycho-Freep distorts everything]"

This is a continuation of the norm for many (not all) Santorum supporters. If you attack Santorum or ANY of his positions, you, as a Freeper in good standing will be personally attacked by them. It's been going on for more than a month now. I don't know if it's coordinated or if it's just indicative of the type of support Santorum attracts.

LOL, seriously???? That first post was a response to one of mine where I pointed out the headline had been changed to add an exclamation (emphasis) where none existed in the original story.

I've read through the Santorum threads from timeto-time...same posters continue to bash Santorum, and then any poster that happens to come on to the thread that might disagree with their view. It's fine with me....I know these threads are useless for actual vetting of Santorum as a candidate....they are merely bashfests. Occassionally, I'll respond to one or more of the regulars on these threads (of which you are one)...just to state my opinion......

....and I won't go informing a moderator or the originator of FR to back me up.
170 posted on 03/11/2012 12:22:58 PM PDT by Girlene (I never did that in gradeschool, either. How about you?)
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To: Col Freeper
Gah! My eyes! O, the hugh manatee.

Give a brother some warning before posting something like that.

171 posted on 03/11/2012 12:23:25 PM PDT by Texas Eagle (If it wasn't for double-standards, Liberals would have no standards at all -- Texas Eagle)
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To: Engraved-on-His-hands; All
"I find this type of comment, which is rather common among some Newt supporters, to be amazingly out of touch with reality. I think that the Newt supporters, not Rick’s folks, who are the ones who have been repeatedly over the line with grade school taunts and over the top claims about Santorum. For example, one poster on this thread says “Wittle Wicky Santorum is a sissified weasel putz”. Another refers to him as “ayatollah santorum”. Another says “Screw this wanna be boy king.” Still another refers to Rick as “Romney’s “butt-boy” I turn your question back to you: Is this indicative of the type of support Gingrich attracts?"

If your question is referring to attacks on the candidate, not the freeper, the answer is clearly yes.

Newt's supporter attack the other candidates viciously. But they don't usually attack other Freepers. If you spot them doing it, call them on it.

And don't you do it either...and if you slip as I myself have done, go back and apologize.

172 posted on 03/11/2012 12:25:42 PM PDT by Mariner (War Criminal #18)
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To: Amntn

Newt’s desire to be the center of attention and at the same time appeal to leftists that push the anamorphic position on carbon dioxide is the one I can’t get around. Like all politicians he wants to be loved, even by the other side. When you sit beside Nancy Pelosi and preach to the rest of us about using coal, gas and other fossil fuels you are either delusional or calculating. In my opinion Newt is calculating and looking for a little love from the eco-fanatics. In other words it’s ego driven.

Another example would be his slander of Bain Capital. I don’t think he really believes the attacks he made. It was just another attempt to gain attention.

173 posted on 03/11/2012 1:07:36 PM PDT by Oklahoma
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To: Oklahoma

Give it up. Your old tired rhetoric, has long since been discredited and NEWTralized!

174 posted on 03/11/2012 1:20:56 PM PDT by PSYCHO-FREEP (If you come to a fork in the road, take it........)
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To: ngat

No, I mean Newt has no chance to win the nomination. You know it, and do I.

If this goes to the convention, Romney will still win. Sad thing, but reality.

175 posted on 03/11/2012 1:55:06 PM PDT by dforest
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To: Girlene; Patton@Bastogne
dude, do you really think a post that long is helpful to explaining your viewpoint?

Long, but it shows the big union supporters liberal voting record.
Do we want the Republican candidate to have a voting record that is the same or more liberal than the democrats?
I didn't think so.
176 posted on 03/11/2012 2:01:38 PM PDT by John D
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To: Nervous Tick; gogogodzilla
He sure is. Reality is, hordes of voters on both the Right and Left yearn for a nanny-state—they just want to make sure it's their version of one. Freedom, liberty, and limited government means nothing to these people. They want the office of president to be a moral pulpit.

And so enters Ricky "SOPA" Santorum the collectivist big government nanny-statist to satisfy their wet dreams:
"This whole idea of personal autonomy, well I don’t think most conservatives hold that point of view. Some do. They have this idea that people should be left alone, be able to do whatever they want to do, government should keep our taxes down and keep our regulations low, that we shouldn’t get involved in the bedroom, we shouldn’t get involved in cultural issues. You know, people should do whatever they want. Well, that is not how traditional conservatives view the world and I think most conservatives understand that individuals can’t go it alone." [source]

"What was my vision? I came to the uncomfortable realization that conservatives were not only reluctant to spend government dollars on the poor, they hadn’t even thought much about what might work better. I often describe my conservative colleagues during this time as simply ‘cheap liberals.’ My own economically modest personal background and my faith had taught me to care for those who are less fortunate, but I too had not yet given much thought to the proper role of government in this mission." –Rick Santorum, p. IX It Takes a Family: Conservatism and the Common Good (2005)

"I suspect some will dismiss my ideas as just an extended version of ‘compassionate conservatism.’ Some will reject what I have said as a kind of ‘Big Government Conservatism.’ Some will say that what I’ve tried to argue isn’t conservatism at all. But I believe what I’ve been presenting is the genuine conservatism our Founders envisioned. One that fosters the opportunity for all Americans to live as we are called to live, in selfless families that contribute to the general welfare, the common good." –Rick Santorum, p. 421 It Takes a Family: Conservatism and the Common Good (2005)

"If you're a conservative, there really is only one place to go right now. I would even argue farther than that. If you're a Republican, if you're a Republican in the broadest sense, there is only one place to go right now and that's Mitt Romney." –Rick Santorum, 02/1/2008 [source]
Check out his brochure, 50 Things You Didn't Know About Rick Santorum, where he proudly defends food stamps, increasing minimum wage, stem cell harvesting, college tuition subsidies, bloated school funding, working with Bono to fight world poverty, etc.

Also see his disturbing voting record for more doozies.

177 posted on 03/11/2012 2:39:05 PM PDT by Utmost Certainty (Our Enemy, the State | Gingrich 2012)
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Every Santorum supporter out there; go find a picture of Romney and take that photo over to a Mirror and salute your new nominee at this time. Why? You guys divided the votes-you claim it was to stop Romney-ok- I went along with it for a few contests- though, knew it could lead us to this- I kind of feel like I see a little bit of the Nicole Wallace game here; the conservatives need reinforcement / the church lady vote/one agenda trumps all and that plan is not working. (Sorry) Look at the mess we’re in; Romney ahead. I have been warning you guys for months, that the media was building Santorum up to keep Newt down. Every day, the media chips votes from Newt ( He can’t win; the manipulation) ( Why? Because, Newt can turn words into action)

Newt has had to protect his line after he had everything (and still does) thrown at him. No lets ups from the media and the negative campaign ads. He made errors by not going to certain states, ok but he was trying to hold his line. Newt’s main objection was to gain enough delegates to be in 2nd place so when he is at convention his case would be that much stronger to take Romney down.

Newt told some of us at a stop off in Florida that he was not going along with Mitt as the nominee. People encouraged him, not to give up and go for it (we told him that we would have his back).

Current time, the media is playing-oh, it’s all over because they know Newt is going to protest at the convention. It is our only and best chance to stop Romney from these go along republicans who follow the media. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if Rick sides with Mitt eventually by saying, it’s time to get behind Mitt. You see the media beginning this theme now.

Rick will never win the general. He cannot even get the Catholic vote (hello) He comes across as extreme. I don’t know anyone voting for him in my family and circle of activist groups. My groups are saying if Newt goes down, they are either writing in Newt, voting for Mitt or not voting period. There is no grassroots for Rick. No one is calling our groups for Rick. Wake up. Support Newt so he can fight Mitt at convention. Palin has already told us to fight the machine. You want a rebellion, take part in this by helping Newt. Vote Newt for America. This stuff is dangerous that we see going on with Obama. Stop building up Rick like many have done from the left of Obama. It is becoming scary and frustrating to watch this happening over the past few months. We don’t have to settle for Romney, if he is short of delegates, that’s when Newt (and Palin comes in), to protest Romney’s weakness. Your voice will be very powerful in Tampa thanks to Newt Gingrich. He is fighting the entire machine.

It amazes me that Newt does not have a huge support just that he would be a better commander and chief, understands the constitution and the 3 branches of our government, loves America, than the empty suit guy, the Bush redo guy (remember Bush’s State Dept (hello)-do you think Rick would do things any differently) I really believe if we do not have Newt as our nominee, we have totally lost our best chance to stop Obama. Obama will not be easy to beat nor stop. Those polls are all to manipulate those who are gullible, the uniformed. Those stories on Drudge and in the lame stream media is not to convince us. They need the uninformed to make a majority to say; it’s Romney, we all must accept it. Be different; get out of your comfort zone, put your words to action. Please help Newt. Do you think people will revolt in the streets against Mitt (no) Vote at the ballot box for Newt onto stopping Mitt in Tampa. Thanks for allowing me to share my thoughts.

178 posted on 03/11/2012 3:06:54 PM PDT by Christie at the beach (I like Newt and would love to see political dead bodies on the floor.)
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To: GnL; All
A Romney/Santorum ticket would be a sure loser.

That would be about as exciting as watching paint dry while listening to old Pat Boone Records...

Seriously I don't even think Gov Martnez or Mark Rubio could put some lipstick on that pig Obamaney.

We are so screwed...

As the Tweener's say...Really?

179 posted on 03/11/2012 3:11:07 PM PDT by taildragger (( Palin / Mulally 2012 ))
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To: Texas Eagle
Gah! My eyes! O, the hugh manatee.

Give a brother some warning before posting something like that.


Sorry about that.

How do you like that "I can tell all the lies I want, and there is nothing you can do about it" grin she is wearing every time I see her.

180 posted on 03/11/2012 3:50:39 PM PDT by Col Freeper (FR is a smorgasbord of Conservative thoughts and ideas - dig in and enjoy it to its fullest!)
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