Never heard of the guy.
Good, but he never should have been invited in the first place.
no f***ing loss
I hope to meet the guy some day.
This is good news! Thought you might like a *ping* !
God Bless Greta for standing up for what is right. This “man” is a vile, disgusting sack of feces. Bill Maher is a total ass but this guy has said things that makes what Maher said look tame. This shows that we still have a voice, we stand up against these leftist thugs and we can still win
Collateral damage from attacking Rush.
Pray for America
Another look at why:
After hearing what this maggot said about Sarah Palin and her newborn baby, I would love to take him for a boat ride.
I have mixed feelings on the guy. He’s absolutely brilliant most of the time, but when he lets his crappy politics slip into his routine, he sounds just as brain-dead as any other leftist. This is especially so when he goes off on one of his many fashionably racist tangents about whites. It’s ironic that a comedian who is considered bold and subversive would push a viewpoint as inherently cowardly as white-bashing in this politically correct age.
Keep in mind the organization this piece of disgusting filth was invited to speak to. It tells you all you need to know about the state of “journalism” in America.
The funniest thing is they claim he’s a comedian.
We’ve created a backlash to counter their backlash.
I like to think I played a wee role in that, by making some phone calls, etc.
Greta van Sustren really has some influence. GOOD FOR HER!
The phones must have been ringing off the hooks.
We need to stay on them. As Glen Beck has said: they don’t surround us, we surround them. We just tend to ignore them because we constantly forget how stupid, mean and downright evil they are. (That last bit I say, Beck just said the surround part!)