Hey Butterz, I hope you can answer a question for me. Where was the forged document presented for official use? Where was the forgery actually used in a crime (fraud)? I believe that COLB shown on the internet is indeed a forgery, but where was it actually used in a crime? I thought it was just presented on the internet as a lying coverstory, but not actually used in any official capacity. I did not watch the entire Sheriff Joe press conference, so I might have missed the answer.
It was presented on the White House website and at a press conference as if it was genuine. I would imagine that since that represents the integrity/weight of the office he holds and not just something from Obama the candidate (for instance), it carries more legal weight - much like the whole question of whether Bush lied in this or that speech.
As I understand it, that’s also why it is a serious thing - basically perjury - for Obama to claim on WHITE HOUSE STATIONERY, using the SEAL OF THE PRESIDENT, that he was born at Kapiolani Hospital if that wasn’t true. It’s like the seal is sort of like swearing on the honor of the Office of the Presidency itself. And IIRC, WND spoke to somebody in the FBI who said it would be a serious crime if they could prove that Obama signed that letter to Kapiolani bearing the Presidential seal, if he wasn’t born at Kapiolani. (Unfortunately, the FBI person basically said they’d never check whether or not a crime had been committed.)
And I believe that Obama’s counsel did communicate to Judge Malihi, regarding a legal proceeding, that the genuine birth certificate had been posted online. That’s actually perjury on the part of the attorney if he knew it was fraudulent, or on Obama’s part if he did not tell the attorney that it was fraudulent. In addition, since those were in proceedings regarding a ballot, the use/reference to a forgery is election fraud.
Anybody who knew the BC and draft registration were forged had a duty to inform the public of that fact since it involves a matter under the jurisdiction of the federal government (such as the people who pay his salary, those who decide whether his appointees should be Constitutionally approved, etc), according to the Federal General False Statement Act.
Claiming in a press conference to the entire nation that this is a genuine birth certificate is election fraud on the people of Maricopa County, Arizona and everywhere, since states are deciding whether to allow him on the ballot based on that forgery.
I’m not a lawyer or law enforcement person so if I’m not understanding correctly I hope somebody will correct me. Or if there are things I’m missing (and I’m sure there are) I hope they’ll chime in.
I believe a photocopy of the alleged LFBC was submitted in response to a ballot challenge in Illinois.