Christian values are a big part of but not all that matters to me. Rick Santorum’s voting record on Socially Conservative issues is at best no better than Newt’s then there is the matter of “Fiscally Conservate” issues. Then there would be the ability to articulate what is needed to fix America and to clearly define issues and solutions and the difference in the socialist and Conservative principles and ideas. Newt will take the fight to obama ans will beat him. The difference is being in Presidential, not wanting to denigrate Rick but I’ve heard him described as an “over zealous hall monitor” and I belive that is how he will come across and be portrayed. Social Conservative issues are important to me but that is not all that’s on the table. We need an extrodinary individual for these times and I can’t think of any, anywhere better suited for the task ahead than Newt Gringrich whether they are in the race or not. Below are some of thr reasons I’m for Newt.
Newt Gingrich, an Extroidinary Man for These Extrodinary Times
Newt Gingrich is a Historian, he loves this country and understands our Constitution, our system of government and the sacrifices made by patriots to create it, and the importance of maintaining it. He knows how government works and how it should work. He is intelligent, educated, and has common sense. He has been in the public eye for thirty five years and has made public controversial decisions, he has cast over 7200 votes, made over 15,000 speeches, written twenty four books. His voting record has been consistantly “Conservative” whether you are speaking in terms of “Social”, “Fiscal” or anything else, Newt Gingrich is “THE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE.” His original “Contract with America” led to CONSERVATIVE Republicans taking the US House of Representatives and appears to be the basis for the modern day Tea Party. Under his leadership as Speaker of the House the Republican Congress produced four consecutive balanced budgets, welfare reform, strengthened our national defense and intelligence. The CBO had forecast a deficet for ten years of 2.5 trillion dollars when he was elected Speaker and four years later the ten year forecast was for a surplus of 2.5 trillion dollars for a turnaround of 5 trillion dollars. They cut taxes and unemployment dropped to 4.2%. President Clinton talks of his administration having balanced budgets, surplus, and welfare reform, that’s true but it was thrust upon him by Newt and the Republican Congress. Spending and earmarks dropped as soon as Newt became Speaker and both remained low during his tenure as Speaker and skyrocketed as soon as he left the Speaker’s position. Those who didn’t want him keeping government spending under control, the Republican establishment, are the ones who are now attacking him and trying to stop his return to Washington. Republicans should be apologizing to Newt for squandering the bounty he brought to the country instead of attacking him. I believe this is Newt’s time. America is in trouble and needs an advocate, Newt Gingrich is that advocate.