Nancy Pelosi gave Ms. Fluke a microphone, Rush made her a star......
Rush did stumble on this one. I think he’s recovered well... but he did stumble. Bound to happen once in a while, given his style, which he himself freely admits as the cause for his stumble.
Basically he used the wrong word. He called her a slut when he should have stuck to the absolute truth: leftwing political operative and socialist hack. Not as sexy as “slut”... but absolutely 100% true.
BOR has been losing conservative viewers for awhile, so I am sure he is reading the tea leaves. Aside from the reason behind his disclosures, the facts are as he presented them...this wymyn is a plant and ruse to divert attention from the drone we have in the white house.
Fluke with a mike reminds me of the old joke with the punch line “hello Mom”.
But without Rush her connections would not have come to light. :)