Rush did stumble on this one. I think he’s recovered well... but he did stumble. Bound to happen once in a while, given his style, which he himself freely admits as the cause for his stumble.
Basically he used the wrong word. He called her a slut when he should have stuck to the absolute truth: leftwing political operative and socialist hack. Not as sexy as “slut”... but absolutely 100% true.
Rush did stumble on this one. I think hes recovered well... but he did stumble. Bound to happen once in a while, given his style, which he himself freely admits as the cause for his stumble.
Basically he used the wrong word. He called her a slut when he should have stuck to the absolute truth: leftwing political operative and socialist hack. Not as sexy as slut... but absolutely 100% true.
I think instead of 30million listeners, after the slut comment he now has 32 million listeners. He called a spade, a spade. Nothing wrong with sobering truth.
“he should have stuck to the absolute truth: leftwing political operative and socialist hack.”
Exactly, RUSH’s mistake was that for a moment he believed that she was an student activist. He should have followed his own philosophy that everything the left does is manufactured. He should have dug deeper into this woman’s background from the beginning in order to expose her as just another leftist hack funded by the Obama regime - an illegitimate activist...a political whore if you will.
“leftwing political operative and socialist hack”
Wonder if there would have been the same firestorm if Rush had just called her Floosie Flookie ?
Or am I just dating myself?
The idiot Left probably wouldn’t get it - 2 syllable words you know.
Right, he should have stuck to the tried and true female slurs used time and again by bill maher, a twat and a c_nt.
No problem there, just ax our halfrican, communist, mooselimb pResident.
Basically he used the wrong word. He called her a slut when he should have stuck to the absolute truth: leftwing political operative and socialist hack. Not as sexy as slut... but absolutely 100% true.
No, his only stumble was apologizing. He should have just fought back and let the rest of the right help him. The truth will out.