For those of you on here so far that don’t think the video was anything, you sound like liberals — or you just missed the point entirely. The two key points are that Obama is head saying for everyone to open their minds and hearts to what this radical Professor Bell stood for, and that another professor and his associates hid this from the American people in2008. In the first case, it shows to those that deny it that Obama is truly a radical despite all the excuses to the contrary and is one more fact to support that opinion (if his association with Ayres and Wright wasn’t enough). And in the second case, it raises a question that if is wasn’t that bad, why did the Prof and his associates keep it from the American people in 2008. You don’t hide things if you are not ashamed of them OR that show you who you truly are, knowing that you would be rejected by the American people.
We all get your point here on FR but unless it’s pretty explosive, it means very little to people that don’t pay attention. Hopefully, the media is on notice that we aren’t letting things be covered up this time around.
OK, I agree. I don't quite understand what the big deal is about. It hasn't sunk in. I'm guessing it's because I don't know who Bell is. I think as time goes by, and more stuff is released, then maybe I'll be able to connect the dots and the big picture will become clearer.
Hannity failed to get into details on Bell. If Hannity is going to make the association case, he needs to really get the extremism of Bell exposed. The story made innuendo, but lacked a little beef. I expected more details.
I agree,I was expecting Obama to be Uttering some Vile Stuff,But I realize Now it exposes Obama with his Own Words to Listen to another Racist America Hating Marxist,which is exactly Who Obama is. Now it is up to Brietbart People to expose Bells Radical Views that Obama Wants us to Open Our Hearts and Minds too.