“But aren’t we hypocrites if we defend Limbaugh on this issue and attack such “comedians” as Letterman (”slutty flight attendant look”) and Maher for making similar preposterous remarks about Palin?”
Calling that slut a slut is not a preposterous remark, but a simple truth. A single woman who wants $3,000 for contraception is a slut.
Remarks about Governor Palin by such low-life scumbags as Letterman and Maher were malicious lies, and therefore deserving of condemnation.
One is allowed to deplore the deplorable, including sluts and malicious liars, while defending the good, which includes Governor Palin. No hypocrisy is involved.
BTW, you are an agent provocateur from the sleazy byways of the left, right?
If you read her testimony carefully, you will discern that she was acting as an advocate for sluts. She did not refer to herself or her habits once.
If she does not meet the Sullivan definition of a public figure (and she may not), then calling her a slut (unless Limbaugh knows her personally) was arguably libel, and definitely slander, and once called out he really had to back down.
I am confident that I would not like or approve of that aspect of Fluke's life, but I do not think Limbaugh's choice of that word was wise. But worse than that, he went on to say that she should sell sex tapes to pay for birth control, and in so doing, dragged himself at least temporarily down to the level of Letterman and Maher. If you approve of Limbaugh's "sex tape" comments, and disapprove of Letterman and Maher, that is hypocrisy.
I hope Limbaugh snaps out of it and returns to his old self, which was not helping Obama hold on to power.
At a minimum, ignoring a very important part of my post, you tried to smear me. Either you are a careless reader, or your post was dishonest. That's a shame, because I think you really hate Obama and his gang as much as I do.