If you read her testimony carefully, you will discern that she was acting as an advocate for sluts. She did not refer to herself or her habits once.
If she does not meet the Sullivan definition of a public figure (and she may not), then calling her a slut (unless Limbaugh knows her personally) was arguably libel, and definitely slander, and once called out he really had to back down.
“If you read her testimony carefully, you will discern that she was acting as an advocate for sluts. She did not refer to herself or her habits once.”
Let’s see, would that be better described as “a transparent ruse” or “a distinction without a difference?”
I doubt that Limbaugh would have much difficulty proving the truth of his assertion if the matter went to trial.
“and once called out he really had to back down.”
Not really. Rush by defeinition is an entertainer and just like the liberals such as Bill Maher calling Sarah Palin a cu** he has the same protections under the law.
Why do we always feel the need to run and hide?