I am against all free handouts. You are making an illogical argument when you say that the freeloaders who can afford insurance but do not buy it. There are hundreds of thousands of these people who end up in hospital and then can’t afford the humongous bill without help from insurance.
My wife was hospitalized for 2 days for outpatient surgery and the hospital bill was $40,000. Good thing we have insurance. Otherwise others would be stuck with our bill.
As for mandates, it must be a state issue, not federal. If I do not like mandates on a state I can move to another.
I fully agree with you that a catastrophic only coverage should be available. So should you be allowed to purchase insurance from out of state. The insurance should be portable from job to job. Groups should be allowed to form so you can buy in bulk instead of as individual.
Many reforms are needed. What we have now is not working, and the solution is not one size fits all national Obamacare.