From unwarranted sarcasm of your answer, I think I see your problem. You are the type of person who makes a cursory review of statements and then passes superficial judgement.
For example, I presented myself as a student of politics, not an authority. And I identified myself a Catholic, not an expert.
Likewise, the idea that a Catholic can completely exclude his religious beliefs from his descision making process is ridiculous. Would you have preferred that Santorum point out the obvious: Either JFK was lying to gain favor with his Baptist audience, or he was not sincere in his Catholicism?
For example: If you are a politician working to preserve abortion rights, Nancy Pelosi for example, the Church teaches us that you have excommunicated yourself latae sententiae. Until this has been corrected, you can go to daily Mass, carry around a Rosary, and name your kids after Saints. You are still not in Communion with the Church and are therefore not a Catholic. No matter what you choose to call yourself. Catholicism is a daily choice, not an ethnicity.
Stop your crap. I don’t appreciate being “talked down to,” about my religion or beliefs. I call myself a catholic and the only being that will ever have the power to judge my faith and intent is Jesus Christ. Your post reminds me of a Rick Santorum stump speech.