FWIW, in this humble Pennsylvanian’s opinion, his WHOLE career has been on long quid pro quo. Remember, he was the one who argued the “Magic Bullet” on the Warren Commission.
Oh that is right.
And it’s not Partial Birth or Botch abortion, it’s post birth abortion or murder.
I was wondering what Snarlin’ Arlin’s been up to in retirement. I heard he was tring stand-up comedy, but I thought he did that throughout his career in the Senate?
Listen to Dear Leader speak of the “burden” of a child who survived abortion (bringing in another doctor to do the killing) just made me feel like i need to throw up.
So horrifically glib he was in his discussion.
Why isn’t Newt surging in the polls?
He was the only one on the stage Wednesday night that showed he had a solid grasp of governance and showed he was steadfast but true to our beliefs
Mitt and Ricky looked like political hacks and punks.
Even Paul eclipsed them despite his wacko foreign policy views.