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To: mkjessup

“If she wants to behave like a candidate, she should have gotten into the game when she had the opportunity, simple as that.”
“SO, unless I’m a ‘somebody’ or ‘well known’ in the public eye, you’re saying I have no business criticizing Sarah Palin? You can shove that elitist nonsense right now, I’m a damn American CITIZEN and I have every right to criticize public figures and/or officials as I see fit.”

Sarah is also an American citizen and has every right to criticize whomever she like. That’s the whole point.

Your opinion seems to be ‘she isn’t doing as much as Newt so she should shut up’. So to be consistent ‘you aren’t doing as much as Sarah Palin so you should shut up’. See I don’t believe you should shut up. I am just pointing out your hypocrisy.

176 posted on 02/24/2012 2:30:35 PM PST by christianhomeschoolmommaof3
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To: christianhomeschoolmommaof3
Your opinion seems to be ‘she isn’t doing as much as Newt so she should shut up’. So to be consistent ‘you aren’t doing as much as Sarah Palin so you should shut up’. See I don’t believe you should shut up.

WRONG. Nowhere have I suggested or even hinted that Sarah should "shut up". Kindly do not assign an obvious untruth to me. What I (and Sam btw) have pointed out is that Sarah has far less to risk with her utterances and proclamations because she is NOT a candidate. Newt IS a candidate and what he says and does on ANY topic will have a far greater impact on how his presidential campaign ends up, and I'm devoutly hoping it will end with him taking the Oath of Office in January 2013. Now Sarah on the other hand? If she catches Hell for what she says or does, it's no big deal, she continues on with her Fox News gig and lives happily ever after.

I am just pointing out your hypocrisy.

No, you're behaving like a mad little puppy barking at a chew toy that won't squeak.
183 posted on 02/24/2012 5:01:08 PM PST by mkjessup (Romney is to conservatism what e.coli is to an all-you-can-eat salad bar. NO ROMNEY!!!)
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