If I’m Newt I wait and let Saint Rick keep running his mouth until people realize he has no chance to beat OBama in November. The Dems are probably salivating over the opportunity to run against Santorum. They do not even have to write the ads they write themselves.
People are not looking to elect a moral arbiter in chief. We all know that Rick is just better and holier than the rest of us, but since most of us are sinner we don’t really want to be reminded of it by a sanctimonious, big spending, union loving twit.
He’s right he is not a manager or a visionary he is just the typical Washington insider and petty political pol. God save the Republic if he wins the nomination because we can not afford 4 more years of O’Bama.
I like your post. You said it well.
If Im Newt I wait and let Saint Rick keep running his mouth until people realize he has no chance to beat OBama in November. The Dems are probably salivating over the opportunity to run against Santorum. They do not even have to write the ads they write themselves.
you have seen the guy you are pushing havent you?...no chance? no ads?...meet newt
Santorum will never win the independents.
The only hard ass running is Newt. I am convinced we either get Newt to pull us back from becoming Albania or the Republic is over..
They just have to show his record how he campaigned for mitt in '08. So ALL his talk about romneycare/obamacare NOW is null and void - since it's only 'talk' of a politician whoring for votes. He's dead meat - and ALL by his own record!
Mitt=Obama and he campaigned for mitt - SO WHAT'S HIS BEEF NOW? He can't say abortion because Mitt was pro abortion and ordered the catholic hospitals to comply and Rick STILL campaigned for him.
Yeah, what we need is someone who advocates “Big Governemnt solutions” and wants to spend trillions on Space Mirrors to fight global warming with Nancy Pelosi. Maybe someone who would co-endorse a candidate in a Congressional race with ACORN, Maybe someone who advocates Amnesty for illegals, and who bashed Reagan for not seeing the benefits in an all powerful central government improving all of our lives through wealth distribution.
Maybe Rush and Levin have it all wrong, but I would rather vote for someone who until very recently was bashed for being too conservative, then for someone who took payoffs from Fannie Mae and makes propoganda commercials with Nancy Pelosi. Newt has NO chance to win the nomination and couldn’t beat Ron Paul much less Obama.
I have seen a number of anti-Obama 20- and 30-somethings go berserk about Santorum. One even said he would not only vote for, he would *work* for the Obama campaign to beat Santorum. This guy is very anti-Obama in general.
While I think that is just nuts, from what I can tell, Santorum is a huge turn-off for many younger voters.