How many leftys have screamed, “Keep your hands off my uterus” when protesting to make abortion ever more available? How can a pro-abort square this act with their advocacy?
Not just this particular case, but in regards to Obamacare specifically? “Keep your laws off my body”, except when a liberal President and legislature decide THEY want to do it then it’s “OK”... I will NEVER understand their duality when it comes to these things - ditto for defending Islam while pretending to be “feminists” concerned about women’s rights. (They make comments about how “stupid” Christian women supposedly are - supposedly no-one female and Christian can think for themselves - but, defend Muslims who treat their women LITERALLY like property and who are afforded NO rights AT ALL???)
I will NEVER understand how people I know - who I know are intelligent - seemingly lose all semblance of logic when confronted on these issues. I honestly don’t even know how they live with themselves...