We will criticize fat lazy pigs because we aren’t their subjects. They aren’t gods allowed to do anything they want. If we wait for cops to call out their own trash, cops will sprout wings and fly first.
You live into a warped world of judge dredd. We don’t need or want street judges. We want cops with balls, fit enough to do their jobs, integrity to know what is right and wrong and then act on that, and a little common sense.
Maybe if them pigs value the life of your loved one some little, you’ll wake up.
We will criticize fat lazy pigs because we arent their subjects....
Really? I would argue that you ARE their subjects. You are scared to death of this cop and others like him. As you sit and criticize this cop you in turn defend the antics of a drug crazed, hit and run, car stealing criminal and are surrendering to the day to day crime that makes the taser a necessary tool in the fight against crime.
This fine police officer - WHO WAS CLEARED OF ANY WRONG DOING (ha ha!) - does not scare me. But then... I'm not into drugs, hit and run, stealing cars, evading arrest, and so on.