O heavenly King, O Comforter, the Spirit of Truth
who are in all places and fillest all things:
Treasury of good things and Giver of life:
Come and dwell in us and cleanse us from every stain,
and save our souls, O good One.
In my Orthodox Church in America parish, we have a Coptic member with family still in Egypt. So I hear about this stuff almost first-hand.
Then there is my Serbian Orthodox parish. I am a strong supporter of the Serbs in Northern Kosovo who are actively resisting the EU, NATO, and Serbia’s quisling government that in a deluded manner thinks that Serbia should join the EU.
Now US public television is about to release a new documentary about clinton next week. I’m sure that they will praise the Sink Emperor for bombing the Bosnian Serbs to support the Bosnian muslim jihadists and bombing all of Serbia to support the Kosovo Albanian muslim savages. (I hope I’m wrong about that documentary.)
It’s beginning to look a lot like the First Century around here!!!!