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1 posted on 02/15/2012 5:58:11 AM PST by WeAreAMERICA
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Another issue our candidates should jump on. They wasted so much money beating each other up. They should be using those millions to run ads against obama. High gas and food prices, rejecting the shovel ready pipeline and now putting our national security at risk.

2 posted on 02/15/2012 6:01:31 AM PST by jersey117 (Perry 2012)
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Obama is acting as though he could lose this election.

3 posted on 02/15/2012 6:03:35 AM PST by skeeter
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The Harvard academics and peace studies professors now cum national defense strategists advising obama have always argued that if we disarm, “they” won't dare attack us

We will lead the way to peace by example
and if they violate that, well the rest of the world would think “they” were immoral- moral suasion will rule the day


This was obama’s college thesis, folks (not sure who wrote it for him but damn sure they are serving in his inner circle of advisors))

Those who beat their swords into plowshares end up plowing the fields of those who keep their swords

4 posted on 02/15/2012 6:05:42 AM PST by silverleaf (Funny how all the people who are for abortion are already born)
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Welcome Noob!

Anyways, the Mooselimb pretender is setting us up with a bolt from the blue, sunday knock out punch. Hopefully, we can get some patriots to get rid of this guy come Novemeber, else, this treasonous behavior will get us all killed. The entire nuclear arsenal is for deterrance, and to still have nuclear weapons left after having to use them to deter further aggression.

Looks like we will fight the next nuclear war as counter-value targeting (cities) rather than counter-target (silos, sub piers, bomber bases, nuke storage) locations.

5 posted on 02/15/2012 6:08:03 AM PST by DCBryan1 (Id rather have a man who wrecked his marriage as POTUS than a man who wrecked his country!)
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Obama doesn’t care. He’ll be back in Kenya as King Bongo by then.

6 posted on 02/15/2012 6:08:18 AM PST by MadJack ("Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet." (Afghan proverb))
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This is insane...unless of course your desire is to fundamentally change the country and lower its defenses in accordance with that plan to leave us absolutely vulnerable to potential enemies.

No on felt this marxist ideolog Barack Hussein Obama, wouild be able to accomplish so much in so little time. We simply must vote him out and keep him and his ilk from the reigns of power for the next four years.

7 posted on 02/15/2012 6:10:23 AM PST by Jeff Head (Liberty is not free. Never has been, never will be. (
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From the campaign trail, February 2008...

Obama Pledges Cuts in Missile Defense, Space, and Nuclear Weapons Programs

February 29, 2008 :: News

A video has surfaced of Presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama talking on his plans for strategic issues such as nuclear weapons and missile defense.

The full text from the video, as released, reads as follows:

Thanks so much for the Caucus4Priorities, for the great work you've been doing. As president, I will end misguided defense policies and stand with Caucus4Priorities in fighting special interests in Washington.

First, I'll stop spending $9 billion a month in Iraq. I'm the only major candidate who opposed this war from the beginning. And as president I will end it.[not win it -etl]

Second, I will cut tens of billions of dollars in wasteful spending.

I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems.

I will not weaponize space.

I will slow our development of future combat systems.

And I will institute an independent "Defense Priorities Board" to ensure that the Quadrennial Defense Review is not used to justify unnecessary spending.

Third, I will set a goal of a world without nuclear weapons. To seek that goal, I will not develop new nuclear weapons; I will seek a global ban on the production of fissile material; and I will negotiate with Russia to take our ICBMs off hair-trigger alert [they are NOT on "hair-trigger alert" now -etl], and to achieve deep cuts in our nuclear arsenals.

You know where I stand. I've fought for open, ethical and accountable government my entire public life. I don't switch positions or make promises that can't be kept. I don't posture on defense policy and I don't take money from federal lobbyists for powerful defense contractors. As president, my sole priority for defense spending will be protecting the American people. Thanks so much.

Article: Obama Pledges Cuts in Missile Defense, Space, and Nuclear Weapons Programs:

" is a project of The Claremont Institute devoted to understanding and promoting the requirements for the strategic defense of the United States."

"I will not weaponize space"

"I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems"

2008 Pentagon Report (March 2008):
China's Growing Military Space Power

By Leonard David
Special Correspondent,
March 6, 2008

GOLDEN, Colorado — A just-released Pentagon report spotlights a growing U.S. military concern that China is developing a multi- dimensional program to limit or prevent the use of space-based assets by its potential adversaries during times of crisis or conflict.

Furthermore, last year's successful test by China of a direct-ascent, anti-satellite (ASAT) weapon to destroy its own defunct weather satellite, the report adds, underscores that country's expansion from the land, air, and sea dimensions of the traditional battlefield into the space and cyber-space domains.

Although China's commercial space program has utility for non- military research, that capability demonstrates space launch and control know-how that have direct military application. Even the Chang'e 1 — the Chinese lunar probe now circling the Moon — is flagged in the report as showcasing China's ability "to conduct complicated space maneuvers — a capability which has broad implications for military counterspace operations."

To read the entire publication [29.67MB/pdf], see U.S. Dept of Defense:

From the Sino-Russian Joint Statement of April 23, 1997:
"The two sides [China and Russia] shall, in the spirit of partnership, strive to promote the multipolarization of the world and the establishment of a new international order."

"Joint war games are a logical outcome of the Sino-Russian Friendship and Cooperation Treaty signed in 2001, and reflect the shared worldview and growing economic ties between the two Eastern Hemisphere giants."

8 posted on 02/15/2012 6:10:27 AM PST by ETL (ALL (most?) of the Obama-commie connections at my FR Home page:
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Deep defense cuts mean fewer troops

AP via YahooNews ^ | November 15, 2011
DONNA CASSATA - Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — The number of U.S. ground forces would drop to levels not seen since 1940, the Navy would drop to the smallest number of ships since 1915 and the Air Force would be the smallest ever, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said in warning Congress of the dire implications of deeper defense cuts.

The Pentagon chief on Monday offered a litany of drastic steps triggered by the automatic, across-the-board cuts if Congress' supercommittee fails to come up with a $1.2 trillion deficit-cutting plan by Nov. 23. If the panel stumbles, the Pentagon faces some $500 billion in reductions in projected spending over 10 years — on top of the $450 billion already under way.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

9 posted on 02/15/2012 6:11:08 AM PST by ETL (ALL (most?) of the Obama-commie connections at my FR Home page:
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It's all about the Putin-ChiCom-Chavez-Iran-Obama "new world order". Been warning about it here for years. Haven't seen it discussed much at all anyplace else.

We are creating a new world, a balanced world. A new world order, a multipolar world,” Chavez told reporters during a visit to Communist China, one of many. His “new world order” includes [RUSSIA], China, Iran,... and a significantly weakened United States, he explained.

Resurgent Communism in Latin America
by Alex Newman, March 16, 2010:

From the Russian News and Information Agency:
July 27, 2006
"'I am determined to expand relations with Russia,' Chavez, known as an outspoken critic of what he calls the United States' unilateralism, told the Russian leader, adding that his determination stemmed from their shared vision of the global order.":

From the Sino-Russian Joint Statement of April 23, 1997:
"The two sides [China and Russia] shall, in the spirit of partnership, strive to promote the multipolarization of the world and the establishment of a new international order."

"Joint war games are a logical outcome of the Sino-Russian Friendship and Cooperation Treaty signed in 2001, and reflect the shared worldview and growing economic ties between the two Eastern Hemisphere giants."

Russia's Medvedev hails "comrade" Obama

Associated Foreign Press (AFP) ^ | April 2, 2009 | Anna Smolchenko

"Russia's Dmitry Medvedev hailed Barack Obama as "my new comrade" Thursday after their first face-to-face talks"

April 1, 2009:
"Obama, Medvedev pledge new era of relations":

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President Obama and Venezuela dictator Hugo
Chavez at the 2009 Summit of the Americas in Trinidad.
Note the "soul bro" handshake. (my caption)

Obama, Chavez shake hands at Americas Summit:

From CBS-News, July 29, 2006:

Chavez Vows To 'Stand By Iran'
After Oil Talks In Tehran, Venezuelan Leader Called 'Brother' By Ahmedinejad


"Chavez pledged that his country would 'stay by Iran at any time and under any condition,' state television reported. Ahmadinejad said he saw in Chavez a kindred spirit." "'We do not have any limitation in cooperation,' Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying. 'Iran and Venezuela are next to each other and supporters of each other. Chavez is a source of a progressive and revolutionary current in South America and his stance in restricting imperialism is tangible.'":


10 posted on 02/15/2012 6:13:46 AM PST by ETL (ALL (most?) of the Obama-commie connections at my FR Home page:
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How much more evidence is needed before our highly educated and elightened MSM gets the message this MudSlime Manchurian Candidate is doing everything possible to disable this country so his 6th century sand monkey Is-Slime brothers can implement their caliphate.

Reducing our weapons, Nukes, Navy and military in general, below that of our sworn enemies places the USA at great risk. He has also done his best to pi$$ off our best allies and is cutting Israel off at the knees.

Couple this with his deliberate insertion of a huge weapon of mass destruction placed in our economy, debt, there can be little doubt for those who care to see that this community organizer with a cabal of 60s radical communists and terrorists are preparing for our demise in the very near future.

Every day I keep hearing his Poll numbers are at %50 and I can only wonder is the cause, union communist teachers in the public schools, certified communists in our universities, lawyers, sycophants in the MSM, all of the above which have created an electorate so ignorant of all recorded history and try to repeat the fully documented failures of socialism, communism, Marxism.

11 posted on 02/15/2012 6:14:53 AM PST by Wurlitzer (Welcome to the new USSA (United Socialist States of Amerika))
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300-400? If re-elected he would reduce it to zero.

12 posted on 02/15/2012 6:15:09 AM PST by chessplayer
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Two additional thoughts:

The Chinese lie about what they have in the first place, and they will keep building.

Obama literally is taking us down to levels where the Chinese can consider a first strike some day.

14 posted on 02/15/2012 6:24:20 AM PST by Williams (Honey Badger Don't Care)
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"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek"-- BARACK OBAMA

From the website of the Communist Party, USA...
(prior to the election)

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"The Communist Party USA views the 2008 elections as a tremendous opportunity to defeat the policies of the right-wing Republicans and to move our country in a new progressive direction.

The record turnout in the Democratic Presidential primary races shows that millions of voters, including millions of new voters, are using this election to bring about real change. We wholeheartedly agree with them."

After the election....

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A Landslide Mandate For Change

A breakthrough election
Congratulations on an extraordinary history making election!

We can think back with pride to decades of hard work toward our strategic goal of a big enough, broad enough and united enough labor and all-people’s movement that could overcome the ultra-right blockage to all progress. That all people’s movement has come to life, it is dynamic and it has the potential to keep growing.

The election of Barack Obama and a strengthened Congress creates new conditions in our country. There is now the possibility to shift gears and move forward. This new day requires us to further develop our tactics in order to continue to deepen and broaden labor and people’s unity.

There are thousands of experiences that we all have had in these momentous days, some large, some small, all of which express the enormity of change in thinking and readiness for involvement that is underway and that steels us for the battles ahead.

The tears of joy we all shared as crowds gathered to watch the election results here and throughout the world dramatize the new moment we are in.

July 1, 2009...

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Change is Here, Change is Coming

Sam Webb, National Chair, Communist Party, USA:

Let me begin with a simple observation: If the last 30 years were an era of reaction, then the coming decade could turn into an era of reform, even radical reform. Six months into the Obama presidency, I would say without hesitation that the landscape, atmosphere, conversation, and agenda have strikingly changed compared to the previous eight years.

In this legislative session, we can envision winning a Medicare-like public option and then going further in the years ahead.

We can visualize passing tough regulatory reforms on the financial industry, which brought the economy to ruin.

We can imagine the troops coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan while U.S. representatives participate in a regional process that brings peace and stability to the entire region.

In the current political climate, the expansion of union rights becomes a real possibility.

Much the same can be said about winning a second stimulus bill, and we sure need one, given the still-rising rate, and likely long term persistence, of unemployment.

Isn’t it possible in the Obama era to create millions of green jobs in manufacturing and other sectors of the economy in tandem with an attack on global warming?

Can’t we envision taking new strides in the long journey for racial and gender equality in this new era, marked at its beginning by the election of the first African American to the presidency?

And isn’t the overhaul of the criminal justice and prison system – a system steeped in racism – no longer pie-in-the sky, but something that can be done in the foreseeable future?

All these things are within reach now!


"Barack Obama told supporters that
'change has come to America' as he
claimed victory in a historic presidential election."

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Obama State of the Union: He got the ball rolling:

15 posted on 02/15/2012 6:25:38 AM PST by ETL (ALL (most?) of the Obama-commie connections at my FR Home page:
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"This president can be a transformative leader (he has that potential in my view), but only if he embraces and fights for a transformative agenda."--Sam Webb, Chairman Communist Party USA

Obama State of the Union: He got the ball rolling:

"We are 5 days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America"
--B.H.Obama, 2008

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Yahoo search results for "Fundamentally Transforming The United States Of America":

16 posted on 02/15/2012 6:26:18 AM PST by ETL (ALL (most?) of the Obama-commie connections at my FR Home page:
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It's all part of the plan!

21 posted on 02/15/2012 7:20:53 AM PST by KC_Lion (I will NEVER vote for Romney, the GOP will go the way of the Whigs if they nominate him)
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This isn’t Obama’s idea, but the UN’s. There was a disarmament paper produced by the UN around 1967(?) that specified disarmament of nukes, standing armies, and the populace. Obama is just following the plan.

24 posted on 02/15/2012 7:28:10 AM PST by Jack Hydrazine (It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine!)
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This is why we should support ANYBODY but Obama this election (assuming we have it.) Even Romney.

Look, I don’t like Romney. He’s a liberal. Obama, on the other hand, is a traitor. I’d vote for Hilary if she were the Republican nominee.

And for those who say that a Republican liberal will be worse than Obama because they will be unopposed by Republicans: where is the opposition to Obama now? Do you call what Boehner and McConnell are doing opposition? Given what we are seeing now, how can you believe Republicans will provide any effective resistance to Obama in his second term?

25 posted on 02/15/2012 7:33:27 AM PST by WPaCon
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lost the phone number to the JCoS...lost the keys to the briefcase...forgot to memorize the launch authorizations codes...took the 5 amp fuse outta the box with the big red button...

without the will to use em if needed, theyre useless anyways, even for a deterrent...

evidently, there are very few adults or sane people in charge of national of the few items actually required of gubmint...

28 posted on 02/15/2012 8:13:40 AM PST by Gilbo_3 (Gov is not reason; not eloquent; its force.Like fire,a dangerous servant & master. George Washington)
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Could our arsenal destroy Russia assuming;

1)The Russians/Chinese haven’t developed the technology to track/stalk our missile subs undetected and sink them before they can fire.

2) Assuming that with our subs lost, we have enough land based nukes to survive a 1st strike.

3) That if some of our land based nukes survive 1st strike, there are enough of them to severely damage Russia. WWII proved the Russian govt. and population are willing to absorb unthinkable casualties.

4) That our nukes would even work. As far as I know, our arsenal hasn’t been upgraded since whenever. They might not detonate and would just hit the target with a thud.

5) That obama would even order a retaliation. Considering how much he loathes this country, he may welcome a nuke attack against us as payback to whitey.

6) If he was willing to retaliate, would he survive long enough to order it? A Russian sub off the east coast could vaporize DC 5 minutes after launch if not sooner.

7) The Russians don’t have a suitcase nuke in DC that would obliterate the govt. and Pentagon before they launched a strike against the rest of the US.

30 posted on 02/15/2012 8:24:23 AM PST by chessplayer
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My loathing of the illegitimate bisexual Marxist Kenyan Muslim Usurper knows no earthly bounds.

31 posted on 02/15/2012 8:29:10 AM PST by Old Sarge (RIP FReeper Skyraider (1930-2011) - You Are Missed)
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