Oh good....Professional cheating!! No more of this finding 2000 votes in the trunk of a car...or in a box under the sink.
When the southern states and the northern states start sharing data of registered voters we’ll see many snowbird haved voted in more than one state.
Know of one who received absentee for her husband for years....He voted twice from the grave each election cycle.
She thought it was funny.
How does one provide verifiable proof of residency on-line?
The more states do this, the harder it will be to get caught with voter fraud, and the easier it will be to detect and eliminate redundancies.
James A. Baker and former President Carter chaired an Elections Commission seven years ago in which they recommended this step.
Registrations and voter rolls would be done at the state level. Each state would have an Elections Offices, and they would all be linked together.
When someone would move to another state, his registration would be sent from the old state to the new state.
It seems the states are starting to do this on their own, at the grassroots level, instead of being ordered to do so by Congress or the Federal Government.
An all electronic voting system would fix the voter fraud controversy. It would fix it by eliminating as many legitimate votes as necessary in order to show the democrat wins. Problem solved.
I moved out of NJ and sent a letter to the county Board of Elections, advising them we had moved out of state and requesting that they remove us from the voter rolls. Got a letter back saying when we didn’t vote in 4 consecutive national elections they would remove us. I haven’t yet checked to see whether I voted there or not. So even when you try to do it right, the system is screwed up.
just watch, Demcrat heavy states will “refuse” to share data. They have to protect their ability to cheat.
Right now our biggest election problem is the NYC centered MSM.
Dead voters are a major rat demographic......bet they fight this tooth and nail.