Geez...just when I was beginning to believe the Gingrich guys when they said that Rick wasn’t electable! ;-) NOT!
Can this be a "miracle?" The miracle that people can actually see now for themselves who is actually "better" (in their opinion) and stick to their "convictions?"... w/o being swayed by any kind of media or know-it-alls opinions?...
Well... there is hope! :)... CONGRATULATIONS People!
Politicians are not "saints" and social-conservatives should not look for one (remember Carter?...), but yes, character, convictions and the way they conduct their own lives... should matter to a point!... That is why I forgave Newt or GWB on their past indiscretions... etc etc..
I believe that both Reagan and Clinton were WAY BEHIND Carter and Papa Bush respectively at this point in time in the election cycle. But by how much?
Santorum, at close to just 4 points of Obama seems to be doing better than Reagan and Clinton did ( believe Reagan and Clinton were WAY BEHIND by double digits then ).
One of Santorum’s problems is partisan supporters like you.
It’s not a funny game or a sport challenge which is going on before our eyes.
I supported Gingrich but i wish the best to Santorum and hope that one of them could defeat Obama with strong arguments .
Hope, i am not sure , that Santorum could be tough enough to unmask Obama’s agressive rethoric
In the same type of poll, 2 days earlier, compare the following side-by-side. Rasmussen has stopped polling Newt, and if anyone would like to let them know how they feel about that, here is the phone and email:
Poll Date Sample Obama (D) Gingrich (R) Spread
FOX News 2/6 - 2/9 1110 RV 51 38 Obama +13
Rasmussen Reports 2/6 - 2/7 1000 LV 46 43 Obama +3
Reuters/Ipsos 2/2 - 2/6 881 RV 50 38 Obama +12
ABC News/Wash Post 2/1 - 2/4 879 RV 54 43 Obama +11
USA Today/Gallup 1/27 - 1/28 907 RV 53 41 Obama +12
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 1/22 - 1/24 RV 55 37 Obama +18
PPP (D) 1/13 - 1/16 700 RV 49 42 Obama +7
CBS News/NY Times 1/12 - 1/16 1021 RV 50 39 Obama +11
Polling Data
Poll Date Sample Obama (D) Santorum (R) Spread
RCP Average 1/12 - 2/9 — 50.1 40.3 Obama +9.8
Rasmussen Reports 2/7 - 2/9 1500 LV 46 42 Obama +4
FOX News 2/6 - 2/9 1110 RV 50 38 Obama +12
USA Today/Gallup 1/27 - 1/28 907 RV 51 43 Obama +8
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 1/22 - 1/24 RV 53 38 Obama +15
PPP (D) 1/13 - 1/16 700 RV 50 42 Obama +8
CBS News/NY Times 1/12 - 1/16 1021 RV 49 38 Obama +11
ABC News/Wash Post 1/12 - 1/15 RV 52 41 Obama +11