You’re not counting the fact that, I think, almost all Mormons are Republicans. Utah is the second most conservative state according to a recent Gallup poll.
Interesting. Americans loved Donnie and Marie..
That might influence it a percent or two.
They claim 6 million members in the U.S. I bet it’s more like 2 million including all the many splits they’ve had, like the fundamentalists and the strangites, etc.
So 2 million mormons out of (142 million voters (2004) * 39% republican) = 55 million. Okay maybe 4%. Still don’t believe the poll.
It would be easy to skew the poll though. Just oversample utah.
Then how do you explain Reid?
I have a second cousin who is a politician in NV, he is a dem and lds.
I realize you said “most”, in my lds family they are all dems, but crossing over to vote Romney.
How do MORMONs explain the FACT that LIBERAL mormons seem to be in the news???