I like Fred, but am not sure why he is supporting this.
I like Fred too, but this makes me glad that he didn’t make it out of the Republican Primaries.
I used to like him too. This is just pure senility. Popular vote equals the wishes of 4 or maybe 5 urban areas: NYC, Chicago, Los Angeles and a few scattered New York suburbs (I call them New Jersy, Pennsylvania, etc.).....
Where are the interests of Utah, NDAK, SDAK, etc. upheld? This country stands together or it FALLS. If you relegate the future of this country to the whims and fancies of New York and Los Angeles, you have doomed it to the same mix of government-backed immigrant (legal and illegal) whimsy that has lost almost all of the southwestern border states to illegals.
There is a reason for protecting the interests of DISTRIBUTED citizens. It must not be confused with DIVERSE citizens.
At the recent Southern Republican Leadership Conference, Senator Thompson said of the National Popular Vote bill:
“I’ve looked at it, and I’m of the firm conclusion that there’s no inherent advantage for either party. Here’s where I come from it. As someone who has always been interested in our system, has been Chairman of the Governmental Affairs Committee,and spent a lot of time thinking about stuff like this. I don’t think, that with all of the challenges our country has. I think we’re in a lot more trouble than most people think we are in. I think we’re going to need a lot more substantial change than most people think. I think we’re going to have a have a change of thinking among the American people, not just leadership, about what we’re doing in this country., and what we’re going to have to do to keep from every other great civilization has ever done in the history of the world, and going down the other side. I think we’re at a tipping point. But, I think we’re going to have to have strong leadership, and we’re going to have to have leaders and presidents with credibility to do the things that need to be done. I think we are hamstringing ourselves when we put somebody in the Oval Office, nowadays or in the future, when somebody else got more votes. And I’m telling you, it almost happened with John Kerry, for my Republican friends. It could very well happen with Barack Obama. But it doesn’t matter. What happened to George W Bush, too. There’s no inherent. I’m just saying, a lot of the animosity, A lot of the difficulty, A lot of the anger, that I’d never seen before in politics. It came during the Bush administration. Nobody’s talking about the election anymore. But it came from that election. And I think next time it would be worse. And I think next time it’d be even worse than that. As we get into harder time and we get more angry, and people get more upset and so forth. Putting in somebody in the White House because some state legislator somewhere doesn’t want to give up the power to select an elector that means nothing. Versus having someone who won most of the votes, fair and square. That is of concern to me as an American.”
I don’t understand it either.