This is exactly why the establishment is terrified of him. What a great speech off the cuff while weaving in great moments in American greatness.
He does have some Churchill in him.
"Churchillian fortitude: When Gingrichs campaign was faltering, in single digits, most would have quit. He did not. He persevered. We need a president who will not waver. We have had enough of the Neville Chamberlain complex in top leadership. We must have a Winston Churchill. We face such serious dual enemies: the radical left secularist and radical Islam, both with the capability of destroying historic America. The left has almost succeeded. And without strong leadership, both will. Jeffrey Lord wrote in the November 15, 2011 issue of American Spectator a thought provoking comparison of 1930s Britain with Churchills rise to contemporary America with the the rise of Gingrich. Both are flawed, as are all people. But Churchill was needed by Britain, just as American now needs Gingrichs leadership."
-- Rev Jim Garlow